this might be the ULTIMATE motivation to make companies (!) (finally?) migrate to GNU Linux? No? ‘The company also plans to publish further findings on the activities in Microsoft’s network in the future. Why the company does not manage to […]
one fine day, THE USER needed to run a windows program… because it’s only available for windows. so fired up the Win 10 KVM VM and installed the program, because it took ages, let it run in the background… the […]
Skip Windows 11 go straight to GNU Linux Debian. Windows 10: (it will just be the same with Win 11) shoving unsubscribed news down the user’s throat at every possible occation… and calling it a “service” that’s how to read […]
… so to ya’ll who are now using Android, iOS and all those fancy OS, no idea what we had to go through X-D (until finally GNU Linux came along).
actually wanted give this printer to (still) windows user, then realizing… there is no f*** chance to install drivers within windows 10 for this elderly but just printing damn fine reliable black and white laser printer from brother, so… USB […]
all those surveillance and “in app trying to sell something” make it way slower than Win 7… which is not good for a company that want’s to be productive (security, reliability, speed, speed, speed) get a bit of free tuning […]
Motorola, Apple, Samsung, and now even Fairphone 4: NO 3.5mm headphone jack!!! For the audio junkies among us, this is a no go. Was so looking forward to the Fairphone, but will probably use a phone with audio jack as […]
in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]
the story goes like this. multiple files were zipped under Windows 7 (Pro German/DE) and unzipped under GNU Linux Debian 10. The problem is: that the special chars of the filenames are all reported as “invalid encoding” (within the MATE […]
not sure if the news rang through… the Amazon Cloud (AWS) guy will be the new CEO of Amazon. What cloud? Amazon “cloud” Hetzner “cloud” cloud (centralized digital infrastructure) can be designed / implemented in different ways. from: the user/admin […]
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: “be careful what you reveal to your friend” (the internet) “where it has gone from defending America to controlling it” data google tries to collect from users: (it is probably only the tip of […]
man made madness: Of course: this madness operates – just as tax avoidance – completely within the legal frameworks of countries with politicians that are open to “donations” (it is called CORRUPTION -> corrupt laws to profit the few). Of […]
2012: Die FritzFax Software läuft gut unter Win XP. 2020: Die altbewährte und gut gemachte FritzFax software, welche 2012 so wunderbar ihren Dienst verrichtet hat, funktioniert, trotz gegenteiliger Aussage von Support und Internet… nicht. Die Software lies sich auf 3x […]
if the user wants to take GNU Debian Linux (MATE Gnome2 Desktop) for a USB-Stick or VirtualBox test drive, check out the video instructions! pros: kind of easy to use (completely redone gui needs re-learning for all that were used […]
what IT can learn from nature: (src) mostly US users affected. Big Business: Big Companies and Big Money can afford Big Staff to maintain and secure their products, but they also provide Big Infrastructure (AWS, Office) and thus a single […]
don’t be evil “Google controls about 62% of mobile browsers, 69% of desktop browsers, and the operating systems on 71% of mobile devices in the world. 92% of internet searches go through Google and 73% of American adults use YouTube. […]
servers/clients/computers/programs/services/webservers need accurate time… they usually get it from time servers that have an atomic clock attached to their USB port. (just guessing) ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=43.5 […]
tested on: Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7 Kernel: Linux 4.15.9 Architecture: x86-64 # using vboxmanage –version 5.2.6r120293 ah lovely isn’t it? BSOD Win98 style… errors were NOT the exception, they were THE NORM (and still […]
What is the problem? Microsoft just came up with another closed standard file format… Microsoft’s proprietary TNEF (Transport Neutral Encapsulation Format) often named winmail.dat or win.dat, and has a MIME type of Application/MS-TNEF is a proprietary email attachment format used […]
scroll down for ENGLISH: ) OMG! Da die IT von Baltimore sich einen Ransome-Virus eingefangen hat, können die Bürger ihre Steuern und ihre Blitzer-Tickets nicht zahlen! Wunderbar! 🙂 Mit welchem Aufwand man rechnen muss, wenn man sich von der Digitalisierung […]
the best about samba: thanks for samba, it provides users with a fast (of course depends also on harddisk speed) rock-solid no-limit-to-maximum-users file-server for maximum file-transfer-and-sharing-and-storage productivity (and they will USE that T: temp drive for EVERYTHING! prepare for TERRABYTES […] grab that open source software win32diskimager-1.0.0-install.exe to 1:1 copy (most) GNU Linux iso to USB and chances are really good: it will just boot 😀 (try that with windows haha X-D) Computers have grown complex (ignoring all the KISS(ing) […] one week downtime – they got backups and are not planing on paying the ransome. “Norwegian oil and gas and metallurgical Corporation Norsk Hydro was hit by the encoder LockerGoga — to stop the spread of malware, IT-specialists had […]
“The cost to companies from malware and “malicious insider”-related cyberattacks jumped +12 percent in 2018 and accounted for one-third of all cyberattack costs, according to new research published today by Accenture and the Ponemon Institute.” src: logical consequence: stop […]
Resilient File System (ReFS),[5] codenamed “Protogon”,[6] is a Microsoft proprietary file system introduced with Windows Server 2012 with the intent of becoming the “next generation” file system after NTFS. ReFS was designed to overcome problems that had become significant over […]
checkout the space weather today 🙂 “Schwabe cycle, is a nearly periodic 11-year change in the Sun’s activity” (src) but the sun’s particles ALSO shield from even more outer space radiation BUT the sun is ALSO protecting Earth & Mars […]
siemens esprimo P720 – does not find show boot devices is clearly a bios problem. the ONLY possibility to boot from cd is go into bios (F2/Del straight after power on) and do “restore defaults” “save and exit”… now it […]
‘Umstrukturierung für den neuen Kurs, den Konzernchef Satya Nadella Microsoft verordnet hat: „Das Unternehmen sieht seine Zukunft bei Cloud-Produkten, künstlicher Intelligenz und Quantum Computing. Das sind die strategischen Schwerpunkte, auf die sich Microsoft künftig ausrichtet.“’
Update: 2020-05 Munich commits to “Public Money? Public Code!” The new coalition agreement in Munich commits to the principle of “Public Money? Public Code!”. The FSFE welcomes this decision by the new government and will closely monitor the progress of […]
sometimes the scripts that used to work perfectly well – suddenly start to miss behave – but you HAVE NOT altered them! look closely to the directory they reside in… maybe something in the dir has changed! make sure: your […]