will be redone soon
long story… good alternative? https://minidvblinux.de/ having had various frustrating experiences with the topic: TV + PC (even tried a cheap DreamBox 520 HD from eBay… which are probably good devices, but this one turned out to be faulty/unstable) now… in […]
always say something positive first: FritzBoxes are great (DSL/LTE/…) internet routers (up to now) all FritzBoxes work with 12V DC (which is great for usage with small solar power stations (that are usually 12V based)) high quality & reliable secure […]
computers are no way perfect: the rise of the machines: who is scared of killer robots? who is scared of doctors, judges and police blindly trusting in AI and computer output? “we are driving in (heavy) rain right now with […]
… because one also cares about beauty… a default avatar picture is not an option… but phpBB has a very strict 6KBytes max file size limit for Profile Avatar Pictures… which is almost impossible to reach with format.jpg or format.png […]
EPSON LQ-870 needle printer is one fine example that sustainable long lasting durable hardware IS POSSIBLE! EVEN WITH PRINTERS! Next to it stands a Brother 6490CW, a pretty heavy piece of ink jet machinery (feels like 15kg) with a software […]
Thanks! thanks to all the contributors of open source soft- and hardware and people that share their knowledge online for free 🙂 i hope/think that better technology could possibly also change humans to the better… freely sharing information surely does […]
Debian Ubuntu Mint: for the deb based distributions hostnamectrl; # tested on Armbian (Debian for ARM Bullseye) su – root; # become root apt update; # always good apt install console-data # select a new keymap # for languages others […]
if possible (hardware support) please use replicant, not cyanogen – it might fix this backdoor: https://dwaves.de/2017/05/01/the-problem-with-closed-source-driver successor to cyanogen mod: LineageOS: https://download.lineageos.org/i9300 All i9300 users: -> https://dwaves.de/2016/06/29/alternative-firmware-for-samsung-i9300-android-6-0-1-beanstalk-6-18-20160624-i9300-seems-to-work-pretty-well/ <- ClockworkMod, abbreviated as CWM, is a popular custom recovery for Android phones and tablets developed […]
https://l-p-d.org/ / http://int.linux-presentation-day.org/ / http://www.pro-linux.de/kalender/2/3690/linux-expo-ulm-2016-linuxpresentationday-20162.html / http://www.lugulm.de/ The Linux Presentation Day (LPD) is a non-commercial, international event where members of the general public are invited to watch Linux helping with everyday situations and have the opportunity to test it and ask […]
var=0;while true; do var=$((var+1)); echo $var; sleep 1; done; you should see: 1 2 3 4 5 6 …
Hello Dear World Wide Web, What is your experience concerning Android 4 Horde? (or any other Open Source based Mailservers like Kerio Connect) I doubt that it is a good idea to sync OpenSource-Sytems with a (ClosedSource?) M$-protocol. my Android […]
what to do? imho QNAPs are hardware wise nice, but software wise they are a bloat (too much stuff, it shall only store files AS RELIABLY AS POSSIBLE (here it does not shine per default)) paranoid mode on: do a […]
dpkg-reconfigure locales vim /boot/grub/menu.lst default 0 timeout 30 color cyan/blue white/blue title KNOPPIX root (hd0,1) kernel /boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/sda2 rootwait lang=de apm=power-off nomce libata.force=noncq tz=localtime loglevel=1 rw
first things first: if it happens to the user to have a gigabyte mainboard… with a PS2 keyboard connector and a BIOS UEFI that does not allow USB keyboards to be used right after start… get a PS2 keyboard (the […]
activate forum (forum_id 30) watch for user_id 48 INSERT INTO `admin_mahnw_f`.`phpbb_forums_watch` (`forum_id`, `user_id`, `notify_status`) VALUES (‘0’, ‘0’, ‘0’), (’30’, ’48’, ‘1’); to speed things up… check out what user_ids are there and what forums they should watch. generate the MySQL […]
checkout https://dwaves.de/2016/02/26/is-truecrypt-insecure/ and successor: https://sourceforge.net/projects/veracrypt/files/ vim /usr/bin/nautilus #!/bin/bash # set your filemanager here filemgr=thunar # set your webbrowser here, usually x-www-browser should be perfect webbrowser=x-www-browser ### DO NOT CHANGE ANYTHING BELOW HERE unless you know what you’re doing ### oldparams=$@ […]
Update: 2020-05 PDF are important file formats for document exchange, but in 2020 PDF as Mail-Attachments can not be 100% trusted anymore. how to create PDF under Linux? there are various programs that support export to PDF format least but […]
top hotkeys: Shift+Strg+Y = Downloads Window Strg+T = new Tab / neuer Tab Strg+N = new Windows / neues Fenster Strg+W = close current Window or Tab / aktuellen Tab und Fenster schliessen Strg+S = save page / aktuelle Seite […]
the problem: *.rtfd seems to be a “stuck on OSX” problem… but actually TextEdit is a OpenSource (!) software 🙂 textedit.app 4.0+20061029-3.4+b1 amd64 Text editor for GNUstep you can download debian packages here: https://ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de/pub/mirrors/linux/debian/pool/main/t/textedit.app/?C=M;O=A and install it via: wget https://ftp.mpi-sb.mpg.de/pub/mirrors/linux/debian/pool/main/t/textedit.app/textedit.app_4.0+20061029-3.4+b1_amd64.deb […]
it’s not a super sophisticated benchmark… but instead of rsyncing directly to QNAP i NFS-mounted a shared folder: and rsynced into that mounted folder… (i think rsync is way more CPU intense than NFS so it should perform way better […]
# Watch them resync and wait until complete. watch cat /proc/mdstat # if watch is not available on your system (busybox on qnap e.g.) while true ; do cat /proc/mdstat; sleep 3 ; clear; done
This video was published on Sep 13, 2012… I/O-Wise KVM does not seem to do a lot of RAM-Caching… VirtualBox does? dd shurely runs a lot faster on VirtualBox 😀 KVM does some impressive GPU-Pass-Through: Gaming on a Linux host […]
Kim Hesseok’s App Extractor let’s you backup any (?) App installed on your phone back into an *.apk – that then send via mail or bluetooth to someone’s phone. great job kim.
setup boinc boinc is a distributed computing system that uses CPU and GPUs to crunch on hefty mathematical problems and allows users with spare (SOLAR?) energy and CPU capacity to contribute to scientific results (hope so). # tested on Debian […]
… the more common/widespread a software (for internet-connected-computers) gets, the more interesting it is for hackers to look for bugs that can be exploited to make money… either by hijacking your computer and use it on a botnet to attack other […]
In Wake Of Violence, France Reports Spike In Cyberattacks 19,000 French websites have been attacked since Jan. 7. Since the deadly shootings in Paris Jan. 7, cyber attackers have hit 19,000 French websites, mostly with denials of service. Admiral Arnaud […]
IMHO SPECIFICITY is a ugly word for saying “priority” of a css property. usually the last css rule overwrites the first ones. [cc lang=”css” escaped=”true” width=”500″] #divisor { max-width: 100%; background-color: red; height: 50px; } .divisor { max-width: 100%; height: […]