Category: GNU Linux and Mate Gnome2 Desktop

GNU Linux mate desktop how to reset keyring password

keyring is a file that stores all sorts of (for example wifi) passwords encrypted Gnome2 based MATE per default creates keyring here: ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring so if the keyring password is lost, only a new keyring can be created. rm -rf ~/.local/share/keyrings/login.keyring […]

GNU Linux howto fix mate-screenshot taking 100% CPU

taking screenshots is important 😀 it is very useful and mate-screenshot is an easy to use screenshot tool that can be started by the simple press of the ancient otherwise useless “print” button (found on almost every keyboard) if mate-screenshot […]

GNU Linux (Debian 12) – how to install mate desktop

mate desktop is leightweight easy to use (“start” menu is top left and hopefully will FOREVER stay there) consistent simplified design hostnamectl; # tested on Static hostname: debian12 Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-18-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 su […]

AMD Ryzen 5600G + Gigabyte Aorus B550 + 2x NVMe Kingston SA2000M81000G + RAID0 (AMD RAIDXpert2) worth it? does it work with GNU Linux? 8k Youtube Benchmark passed on GNU Linux Debian 11 MATE – enable enable SVM Mode in UEFI BIOS to enable KVM Virtualization support

update: 2024-04: system running well fastest AMD with integrated GPU would be: Ryzen 7 8700G (search bundle on ebay) the Ryzen 7 has more cores, so single core wise the CPUs are close to each other, multicore the 7 should […]

Skip Windows 11 go straight to GNU Linux Debian

Skip Windows 11 go straight to GNU Linux Debian. Windows 10: (it will just be the same with Win 11) shoving unsubscribed news down the user’s throat at every possible occation… and calling it a “service” that’s how to read […]


update: safety first! when it comes to important files: safety comes first thus recommend to the user that wants to go pro the following backup system: have two complete backups at two different places: backupA: at the company, USB 3.0 […]

Cinnamon Desktop (Gnome3 fork) vs MATE Desktop (Gnome2) a review

Cinnamon desktop developed by Developer(s) Linux Mint team! – is a beautiful desktop (default on Linux Mint) alternative to Gnome2 MATE. BUT: still prefer Gnome2 MATE (at least on GNU Debian Linux) because it is: minimalistic / very resource efficient […]

Setup Bluetooth Headset under linux debian gnome2 mate desktop

preparations on terminal: detect your hardware: you can get old but well supported notebooks/laptops here like the dell latitude e4310 with this intel-spy-on-me wifi/bluetooth module on board: lshw |grep lue description: Bluetooth wireless interface product: DW375 Bluetooth Module capabilities: bluetooth […]