update: there is indeed a small screw missing from the angle grinder: Ersatzteilinformation: part detailed information: 1603300016 Sachnummer: 1603300016 Beschreibung: Sechskantmutter DIN-Text: M7, SW10 Preis * 1,04 €* Preisgruppe 11 * Alle Preise inkl. Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. Versandkosten Always say something […]
will be redone soon
the positive vision (always start with something positive) if big data about every keystroke every step we make (the police: every step you make) algorithms determine how mankind will live and thus: technology is “neutral” until it is used for […]
in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]
Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership why more developers should chose GPL to publish programs: as a once proud Apple user… (yes GNU Linux Debian 10 actually runs pretty well on the Intel-Macbook-Pros) yes they are beautiful spies… […]
always say something positive first: FritzBoxes are great (DSL/LTE/…) internet routers (up to now) all FritzBoxes work with 12V DC (which is great for usage with small solar power stations (that are usually 12V based)) high quality & reliable secure […]
why are those data leaks problematic? because scammers and spammers will use this data to even better scam (social engineer) the affected users that is why it is essential to give those platforms (if the user needs them) as little […]
Pure Beauty: “the glow” “IT JUST WORKS” 🙂 wifi works two-finger-scroll touchpad works sound works (hey! startup sounds are important 🙂 admitted: the keyboard will need some time of getting used to X-D (per default Macbook Pro A1278 would run […]
Update: 2021-05: https://www.golem.de/news/irland-erste-patientendaten-im-netz-aufgetaucht-2105-156599.html Drei Krankheiten: erfolgreich kaputt gespart: schlechte Bezahlung: im Vergleich mit anderen EU-Ländern und auch USA steht Deutschland schlecht da was die Entlohnung von Ärzte an geht auch schlechter als Japan und gar Italien (!) das ist vermutlich […]
not sure if the news rang through… the Amazon Cloud (AWS) guy will be the new CEO of Amazon. What cloud? Amazon “cloud” Hetzner “cloud” cloud (centralized digital infrastructure) can be designed / implemented in different ways. from: the user/admin […]
Statistics By Project Statistics Last Updated: 8/17/20 00:06:03 (UTC) [9 hour(s) ago] Project Points Generated Results Returned Total Run Time (y:d:h:m:s) Badges Earned OpenPandemics – COVID-19 project website Scripps youtube channel Problem COVID-19 is a disease caused by SARS-CoV2, a virus […]
All SmartPhones are spies! that’s why Merkel keeps the Nokia from 1995 (even if that device is spied on as well, because it can not end2end encrypt sms or phone calls (*FAIL*! X-D)) Putin does not have a mobile phone […]
scroll down and behave! (slaves of digital dictatorships) short version summary of 1984: short version: 1984 needs to be avoided at any cost. because: it is evil. (Google did not drop it’s motto “don’t be evil” for nothing) in essence: […]
“first Benchmarks of the KX-6780A. China just developed it’s own x86 CPU with the performance of a Intel Core i7 2600 (4C/8T, 1,401 points) from 2011 the eight-core CPU-Z achieves 171 points in single-core and 1,396 points in Multi-Core comparison […]
i really like virtualbox and i think it has great potential, what i do not like SOOO much is the CIA’s involvement with Oracle. “Larry Ellison Is A Billionaire Today Thanks To The CIA” (src) VirtualBox is mostly GPL 2.0 […]
how can everyone help? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 spread the news! set the focus! cognitive disconnectedness between governments and science: the non-sustainability mess Let’s face it… the fossil fuel powered steam engine economy … once started… is very hard […]
short version: 2021: bin wieder bei SimDiscount X-D + D1 Masten nicht überbucht/gute Netzqualität bei Nutzung von LTE (muss Handy können, kostet 5€ extra d.h. für 25€ monatlich (Stand: 2020-01) kann man dann tatsächlich sein Handy auch nutzen (falls dieses […]
“In the popular series of wireless keyboards Fujitsu LX390 found two dangerous vulnerabilities. According to researchers from the company SySS, exploitation of vulnerabilities allows nearby attackers to “spy” passwords entered on the keyboard, or even to seize control of the […]
Why is quantum computing important: optimization Update: Google claims to have reached quantum supremacy The tech giant unveiled its x-quantum computer chip Bristlecone in March 2018 (src: cnet) original nasa paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19lv8p1fB47z1pEZVlfDXhop082Lc-kdD/view book: https://deepai.org/machine-learning/researcher/eleanor-g-rieffel https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Computing-Introduction-Engineering-Computation/dp/0262015064 Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ! […]
don’t be evil “Google controls about 62% of mobile browsers, 69% of desktop browsers, and the operating systems on 71% of mobile devices in the world. 92% of internet searches go through Google and 73% of American adults use YouTube. […]
it might sound strange… and even if it sucks, but if you are concerned about security, call me paranoid but: your company’s critical infrastructure SHALL NOT BE REACHABLE BY WIFI! (especially not if you are running a nuclear power plant, […]
also roaming within the “(more or less)United States of Europe” (EU) is pretty scary endavor. If you travel across the EU and wish to use your home mobile phone number – you will NEVER know what this phone call or […]
the affordable 100% Open Source phone: update: 2021-01 “the best (most privacy & security & usability) Smart Phone solution” is yet to be found (PinePhone (yet untested) comes close) and it would be like: runs standard unmodified GNU Linux kernel […]
a sofa/couch: considered “completely normal” in Japan and called: “Inemuri,” the Japanese Art of Taking Power Naps at Work, on the Subway, and Other Public Places a table socker table! (2:2, 1:2, 2:1, max 4 players) alternatives: this would be […]
“Thank you” i feel much safer now, that you know EVERYTHING about me, you, everybody. it is about influencing and directing the masses like a herd of cattle. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_641A Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility in the SBC Communications […]
there are a lot of service providers where you can rent a virtual server… for example: hetzner, for 3€ per Month you would get 1x CPU core and 2GB of RAM, instead of VPS they also call it “cloud”, it […]
Is social media, facebook, twitter endangering democracy? Well if you bring in rich individuals such as Mr Mercer with the need to manipulate society: YES. “Cambridge Analytica is a Full Service Propaganda Machine” “In 2016 CA worked for Donald Trump’s […]
“You will constantly have to fight for even the most basic of rights – and build your own infrastructure – or your government will spy on you and lobbyists try to take away your freedoms.” Watch this video and this: […]
“The Unix Philosophy in One Lesson” “All the philosophy really boils down to one iron law, the hallowed ‘KISS principle’ of master engineers everywhere:” “Keep It Simple, Stupid” or “Keep It Super Simple” (less offensive) The Unix philosophy emphasizes building […]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_Foundation “The Linux Foundation is dedicated to promoting the use of the Linux computer operating system in academia, the corporate world, and government. The company was formed in 2007 by the merger of Open Source Development Labs with the Free […]