Paying taxes is no fun Paying taxes double and tripple is even less fun. Because let’s face it: when buying a pair of NEW shoes in Germany the average German Joe already pays at least 19% MwSt. plus the income […]
scientists predict human leven AI by 2047 so DON’T HOLD THE BREATH it is no news: that at some tasks computer+programs have outperformed humans, that is: at math and remembering things 1997: Deep Blue “AI” outperforms best human player at […]
the user has to know, that Mozilla is very much (still) dependant on Google’s money. in 2021 wrote this article. “Open Letter to Mozilla – Google’s Browser dominance – is Firefox not listening to user’s needs/requests?” They at least – […]
the positive: Okay let’s ALWAYS focus on the positive first: data, the web, free flow of information has given mankind new abilities: online learning-from-each-other (“social learning” one of said to be strong points of humans vs animals) better decision making […]
have to give a HUGHE praise to the Tor Project! just checked and they DO AN EXCELLENT job at keeping the user private the developers who constantly work to make the system better the thousands of volunteering admins that run […]
“Von der Leyen under pressure: The head of the EU Commission refuses to release text messages about the expensive vaccine deal with Pfizer. She is accused of lack of transparency.” (src) (here is the full New York Times article on […]
both are centralized Messengers meaning: the user is in control of the device + software (to the extend that the user can understand the src) Android-Client “the client” 100% Open Source (Java 70.8% Kotlin 29.1%) iOS-Client 100% Open Source (Swift […]
“the internet”, “wifi”, all “electronic communication via air and wires” As with all new technologies, Einstein was hopeful, that this new technology will be used for good to bring peace by better understanding between nations and individuals alike. Of course […]
if there are problems… run this one-liner… and ESPECIALLY with let’s encrypt… watch CAREFULLY… as not all errors might show up in a nice red color as errors might NOT be reported for the that causes the error… but […]
correct if wrong but… checkout this picture, just uploaded to this self-hosted wordpress instance recently: it “suddenly” and without consent it also exists on this server, the “cool” wordpress CDN, that is supposed to speed up loading time of […]
let’s face it: the internet has become a gigantic surveillance machine, with hundreds of private companies, trying to collect as much data on the user as possible in order to “predict the market” while also using with AI to analyze […]
0) for security: keep all internet connected devices as up to date as possible! “Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices” (src: Also […]
the risks of all digital (no cash) payment systems & amok AI: “This happens quite often with customers of the Cashgroup banks (@DeutscheBank / @Postbank / @Commerzbank / @Comdirect) as soon as their algorithms hit your account is directly without […]
everyone hates em…. cookie banners it’s “funny” (no actually not and is not a site this user is visiting very often, it was this article that the user was interested in:, is actually writing for, so […]
all those surveillance and “in app trying to sell something” make it way slower than Win 7… which is not good for a company that want’s to be productive (security, reliability, speed, speed, speed) get a bit of free tuning […]
If the user got the time, watch parts of the full uncencored & uncut (thanks C-SPAN!) interview-testimony: Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram and Telegram sideffects may include: ellection manipulation & manipulation of the masses massive intrusion of privacy (collect as much info as […]
the positive vision (always start with something positive) if big data about every keystroke every step we make (the police: every step you make) algorithms determine how mankind will live and thus: technology is “neutral” until it is used for […]
app only? no browser support? not exactly click here: any tag topic can be seen in browser via: so it seeeems like these service are aimed at selling and be used mostly by app with the pretty expensive Librem […]
in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]
every user want’s a fast & responsive internet. BIND and DNS – the Phonebook of the internet – Berkeley Internet Name Domain – how to benchmark dns servers (find fastest) – LibreDNS There is nothing more anoying than slow loading […]
Yes! What RSS does NOT stand for “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh” , “Nathuram Godse, who assassinated Gandhi, on January 30, 1948, was a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or R.S.S., a violent right-wing organization that promotes Hindu supremacy.” (src: HolyCow!) […]
Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership why more developers should chose GPL to publish programs: as a once proud Apple user… (yes GNU Linux Debian 10 actually runs pretty well on the Intel-Macbook-Pros) yes they are beautiful spies… […]
why are those data leaks problematic? because scammers and spammers will use this data to even better scam (social engineer) the affected users that is why it is essential to give those platforms (if the user needs them) as little […]
computers are no way perfect: the rise of the machines: who is scared of killer robots? who is scared of doctors, judges and police blindly trusting in AI and computer output? “we are driving in (heavy) rain right now with […]
v1.6 released: improvements: thumbnail generator thanks to ImageMagick PHP extension can now also resize large image files (10MBytes and more) for slideshow it now uses resized versions of 1024px instead of the original file (which might be too […]
Update: 2021-05: Drei Krankheiten: erfolgreich kaputt gespart: schlechte Bezahlung: im Vergleich mit anderen EU-Ländern und auch USA steht Deutschland schlecht da was die Entlohnung von Ärzte an geht auch schlechter als Japan und gar Italien (!) das ist vermutlich […]
contains advertisement. to be honest, it is hard to keep up the speed at which cyber incidents are reported. here is the latest take on “Russian IT Sec Updates”. have phun! SecurityLab, [28.09.20 08:20] Last month, TikTok developers rolled […]
data google tries to collect from users: BeyondCorp Google’s new Approach to Security – we need to know EVERYTHING about the user – in order to trust the user – The Age of Surveillance Capitalism (it is probably only the […]
SecurityLab, [14.07.20 15:35] The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has unveiled a new database demonstrating how and where us law enforcement agencies use tracking technologies. A map of the use of tracking technologies in the United States is presented ( SecurityLab, […]
what to do to improve online privacy? use a privacy respecting DNS server by for example: (not google’s ( use Freifunk use a VPN such as: mullvad VPN Mozilla launched it’s own VPN service use tor […]