Category: Ai / ArtificialIntelligence

GNU Linux – how to install  gpt4all on Debian 12 – GPT4All-J: An Apache-2 Licensed Assistant-Style Chatbot: A free-to-use, locally running, privacy-aware chatbot. No GPU or internet required – dialogue with a machine: AI: How to fix democracy? – THE NEW TOURING TEST:  Humor

scientists predict human leven AI by 2047 so DON’T HOLD THE BREATH What is GPT4All-J?: An Apache-2 Licensed Assistant-Style Chatbot What is Mistral Orca? “The AI community building the future.” “The platform where the machine learning community collaborates on […]

the positive the negative: bigdata + AI could help early detect cancer | privacy is security – why mass surveillance – German court rules mass bulk data gathering (calls, SMS, IP including location) illegal

the positive: Okay let’s ALWAYS focus on the positive first: data, the web, free flow of information has given mankind new abilities: online learning-from-each-other (“social learning” one of said to be strong points of humans vs animals) better decision making […]

humans are not machines – “bruteforcing” artificial brains – inalienable conscious AI rights – Saudi Arabia grants robot citizenship – AI and Universal Declaration of Human Rights – eating octopus is ACTUALLY forbidden by the Christian Bible

scientists predict human leven AI by 2047 so DON’T HOLD THE BREATH It is a wrongful simplification to reduce humans to robots. No matter how much humans treat humans like robots (behaving like robots in the process), it does not […]

AI can now learn to manipulate human behaviour

scientists predict human leven AI by 2047 so DON’T HOLD THE BREATH “A team of researchers at CSIRO’s Data61, the data and digital arm of Australia’s national science agency, devised a systematic method of finding and exploiting vulnerabilities in the […]

AI/KI generated images – generates pictures from text words
11.01.2023 the AI KI community maybe of artistic value? according to this AI KI, this is what a intelligent human looks like 😀   LICENSE The model is licensed with a CreativeML OpenRAIL++ license. The authors claim no […]

BigData in Africa: without any protection – Shivani Siroya TEDx – “A smart new business loan for people with no credit” – When AI takes over – and calls all the shots – and nobody knows why it decides what it decides – not just Africa – bank accounts AI (over)blocked

the risks of all digital (no cash) payment systems & amok AI: “This happens quite often with customers of the Cashgroup banks (@DeutscheBank / @Postbank / @Commerzbank / @Comdirect) as soon as their algorithms hit your account is directly without […]

AI Superpowers China Silicon Valley and the New World Order – Kai-Fu Lee – light and silicon – extreme Ultra Violet CPU production – ASML (Netherlands) TSMC (Taiwan) AMD Intel (USA) and the crazy physics behind transition from 14nm to 7nm process – Ångstrom Era

update: 2022-12 wow 3 and 4nm is very very small “TSMC recently announced that it is upping its U.S. investment in Arizona to US$40 billion (NT$1.23 trillion) and will manufacture 4nm and 3nm chips there. The 4nm chips are expected […]

What is Right – What is Wrong – with great powers comes great responsibility (aka the “Peter-Parker-principle” (Spiderman 2002)) – Big Tech with better and betters Tools and without better Ethics Morals unkowing what is Right or Wrong

in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]

Die Vermessung des Patienten: Wem gehören meine Gesundheitsdaten? – Warum es immer weniger Ärzte und Arztpraxen in Deutschland geben wird und das Gesundheitssystem immer schlechter wird – Measuring the patient: who owns my health data? Why there will be fewer and fewer doctors and medical practices in Germany and the health system will get worse and worse

Update: 2021-05: Drei Krankheiten: erfolgreich kaputt gespart: schlechte Bezahlung: im Vergleich mit anderen EU-Ländern und auch USA steht Deutschland schlecht da was die Entlohnung von Ärzte an geht auch schlechter als Japan und gar Italien (!) das ist vermutlich […]

1984 mass surveillance: for a better world? – trust – mass surveillance – and why is there so much violence on TV? – the trust problem between gov and citizens needs to be addressed – Trump to end all encryption? – short version summary of 1984

scroll down and behave! (slaves of digital dictatorships) short version summary of 1984: short version: 1984 needs to be avoided at any cost. because: it is evil. (Google did not drop it’s motto “don’t be evil” for nothing) in essence: […]