SecurityLab, [14.07.20 15:35] The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has unveiled a new database demonstrating how and where us law enforcement agencies use tracking technologies. A map of the use of tracking technologies in the United States is presented ( SecurityLab, […]
home of git’s git repo: # to clone git’s git repo git clone # as can be seen there, it is STILL under active development written in primarily in C, with GUI and programming scripts written in Shell […]
As with all hot debated topics: Linus Torvald’s “show me the source” in this case, the source of one’s informations (always give the source!) is IMPORTANT for the information’s credibility. It is absolutely vital in science to give all sources […] Crysis 1 – was not only – another shooter – it had a unique idea: what if one had a suite – like Iron Man? (why is there no Iron Man game? oh hang on … there is one) […]
i really like virtualbox and i think it has great potential, what i do not like SOOO much is the CIA’s involvement with Oracle. “Larry Ellison Is A Billionaire Today Thanks To The CIA” (src) VirtualBox is mostly GPL 2.0 […]
how can everyone help? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 spread the news! set the focus! cognitive disconnectedness between governments and science: the non-sustainability mess Let’s face it… the fossil fuel powered steam engine economy … once started… is very hard […]
what IT can learn from nature: (src) mostly US users affected. Big Business: Big Companies and Big Money can afford Big Staff to maintain and secure their products, but they also provide Big Infrastructure (AWS, Office) and thus a single […]
Capitalism inspires the short sighted incentives. But trust and honesty is key in long term relationships. So for a short period of time – some dishonest people might enjoy the benefits – but in the end – it comes home […]
don’t be evil “Google controls about 62% of mobile browsers, 69% of desktop browsers, and the operating systems on 71% of mobile devices in the world. 92% of internet searches go through Google and 73% of American adults use YouTube. […]
scroll down for ENGLISH: ) OMG! Da die IT von Baltimore sich einen Ransome-Virus eingefangen hat, können die Bürger ihre Steuern und ihre Blitzer-Tickets nicht zahlen! Wunderbar! 🙂 Mit welchem Aufwand man rechnen muss, wenn man sich von der Digitalisierung […]
2017 erster Testlauf, jetzt werden alle Ärzte gezwungen den direkten Zugriff der Krankenkassen auf mehr Daten zu ermöglichen. VersichertenStammDatenManagement erst ab 2019 Pflicht eine weitere Auflage des Gesetzgebers für Ärzte – bis dann und dann das und das umsetzen – […]
a sofa/couch: considered “completely normal” in Japan and called: “Inemuri,” the Japanese Art of Taking Power Naps at Work, on the Subway, and Other Public Places a table socker table! (2:2, 1:2, 2:1, max 4 players) alternatives: this would be […]
We all want RELIABLE technology to serve mankind – not pollute the planet and the oceans. For this to play out right – it is important to ONLY buy HIQH QUALITY products – that are hopefully manufacturerd IN YOUR COUNTRY […] Elon Musk: (EM) “the big aerospace companies had no interest in radical innovation, all they wanted to do is try to make their old technology slightly better over the years. Particular in rockets it is pretty bad. … People […]
install firefox app and test it for free here: When Browsers start to talk to each other – Open Source HTML5 based Web Video Audio Conferencing WebCam ScreenSharing – Collaboration over internet WebRTC (“Web Real-Time Communication“) enables applications such […]
While biodiversity is GOOD and efficiency is NOT all we need. Nature looks for a balance of efficiency (30%) and resilience (70%). Standardization is enshuring that your work is compatible with future versions – therefore important for programmers, administrators and […]
WELCOME TO THE WIRTSCHAFTSKRIEG What would you do, if 90% of things in stores suddenly become 20% more expensive? Freak out i guess. That’s exactly what is happening in Russia right now. It’s the result of the US-initated EU-executed sanctions against […]
Mit der Sparsamkeit (Steuerhinterziehung, Angestellte unter Mindestlohn 10,66€) haben Sie etwas übertrieben. Wer Milliarden scheffelt… kann auch ein wenig davon abgeben… oder etwa nicht? Unsere Leadership Principles Customer Obsession – 100% KundenorientiertLeader fangen beim Kunden an und arbeiten von dort aus […]
BlackRock und der aggressive, transaktions-orientiert, angel-sächsische Kapitalismus Die Macht der Schattenbanken. Larry Fink, Gründer und CEO von BLACKROCK und Herrscher über vier Billionen US-$. Nicht die Politiker regieren diese Welt; Sie dürfen als “Frontschweine” in der Öffentlichkeit spielen. Die wahren […]
what is great about mumble: clients exist for Windows, OSX, (at least Debian/Ubuntu) Linux and even Android and IPhone. the audio quality is SUPERB (better than phone) if you use good headphones like sennheiser a disadvantage is the reverb that […]