why have one package management system if the user can have 3x 4x 5x? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APT_(software) https://salsa.debian.org/apt-team/apt.git to keep it simple imho it would be better to use only one “one to rule em all” (maybe python pip as exception) https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/a364ii/proscons_of_snap_vs_apt/ […]
there is a German saying: “only the Genius rules (one’s own or others) chaos” imho this is wrong, if one was a genius, there would be no chaos in the first place it would be “as perfect as possible” aka […]
it works now! 😀 THE PENGUIN CAN NOW MEASSURE THE TEMPERATURE! thanks ALL INVOLVED 😀 TIP: it actually has 2x temp sensors 1x meassures inside usb stick 1x meassures with the metal-probe at the end of the cable WARNING! […]
Musk grabbed deeply into the Toilet, by wasting Billions on it’s twitter buy, he could have build 100x Twitters from scratch, with this amount of money. Understanding Elon Musk – (the day Elon almost destroyed Tesla by accident) – good […]
why it’s really time to occupy Mars & how the internet has changed post-babyboomer attitude to sharing Had an interesting conversation with a 65 year old, babyboomer, who has never personally seen war and who has not grown up with […]
have to give a HUGHE praise to the Tor Project! just checked and they DO AN EXCELLENT job at keeping the user private the developers who constantly work to make the system better the thousands of volunteering admins that run […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-150-millionen-us-dollar-sollen-open-source-absichern-2205-165382.html https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-linux-foundation-will-security-praxis-vereinheitlichen-2008-150036.html src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: https://openssf.org/blog/2022/05/11/testimony-to-the-us-house-committee-on-science-and-technology/ 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
will be redone soon
Motorola, Apple, Samsung, and now even Fairphone 4: NO 3.5mm headphone jack!!! For the audio junkies among us, this is a no go. Was so looking forward to the Fairphone, but will probably use a phone with audio jack as […]
update: 2022-12 wow 3 and 4nm is very very small “TSMC recently announced that it is upping its U.S. investment in Arizona to US$40 billion (NT$1.23 trillion) and will manufacture 4nm and 3nm chips there. The 4nm chips are expected […]
team, team, team team… In Germany, everyone is his/her own team, there are only one-man, one-woman teams. teams not necessarily help each other the best “help” you can get from another “team” is “it is somewhere in the (incomplete, outdated, […]
the most fundamental networking settings are ever changing it used to be /etc/resolv.conf where nameservers are set systemd is doing it’s own thing /etc/systemd/resolved.conf and Ubuntu (based on Debian) is doing (again) it’s entirely own thing (netplan) frankly: this sucks […]
every user want’s a fast & responsive internet. BIND and DNS – the Phonebook of the internet – Berkeley Internet Name Domain – how to benchmark dns servers (find fastest) – LibreDNS There is nothing more anoying than slow loading […]
short story: phase it out So it finally happened, Oracle wants to cash in on it’s $7.4 Billion investment it made in 2009. The non-Open-Source non-GPL non-Free-Software-coffee has officially gone sour. One can just pray, that this will be a […]
“floating point arithmetic is considered an esoteric subject by many people” (src: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic – David Goldberg 1991.pdf) some even do “transcendental calculations” (src) make no mistake: computer make mistakes too! not […]
first some praise: the maintainers of grub did their best they could to bring about a great piece of software, no doubt about that. the question is: could less be more? when Greg Kroah-Hartman suggested to get rid of the […]
second take on trying to get a xmpp server (OpenFire, Java) client (Pidgin, C (C#, Perl, Python, Tcl are used for plugins)) up and running. at least this time with partial luck (was able to login via pidgin) but it […]
setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]
As with all hot debated topics: Linus Torvald’s “show me the source” in this case, the source of one’s informations (always give the source!) is IMPORTANT for the information’s credibility. It is absolutely vital in science to give all sources […]
# become root su – root; # rpm based yum install nmap # apt based apt install nmap # find snmp enabled devices # (UDP port 161, can not be tested with telnet (can only do TCP)) nmap -sU -p […]
short version: 2021: bin wieder bei SimDiscount X-D + D1 Masten nicht überbucht/gute Netzqualität bei Nutzung von LTE (muss Handy können, kostet 5€ extra d.h. für 25€ monatlich (Stand: 2020-01) kann man dann tatsächlich sein Handy auch nutzen (falls dieses […]
bc is a nice calculator that one can use under linux terminal. a good exercise: count from 0 to 255 and convert it to binary # install # debian/ubuntu apt install bc # fedora/redhat/centos yum install bc # run bc […]
Why is quantum computing important: optimization Update: Google claims to have reached quantum supremacy The tech giant unveiled its x-quantum computer chip Bristlecone in March 2018 (src: cnet) original nasa paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/19lv8p1fB47z1pEZVlfDXhop082Lc-kdD/view book: https://deepai.org/machine-learning/researcher/eleanor-g-rieffel https://www.amazon.com/Quantum-Computing-Introduction-Engineering-Computation/dp/0262015064 Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ! […]
Warum VoIP? Viele Anbieter von LTE z.B. bieten gar keine Festnetz-Telefonie an, sondern nur Internet. (das zum Teil (nicht günstiger) aber schneller (und schnurloser via Handy-Netz) als die Telekom (4G/LTE/UMTS)). D.h. man braucht dann noch einen weiteren Anbieter der die […]
tested on: Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7 Kernel: Linux 4.15.9 Architecture: x86-64 # using vboxmanage –version 5.2.6r120293 ah lovely isn’t it? BSOD Win98 style… errors were NOT the exception, they were THE NORM (and still […]
Update: Article13 for North Stream 2 pipeline between Germany and Russia Mrs Reda (one of the last honest politicians out there, used to be in Pirate Party but now even advises to vote against it, because also in the Pirate […]
Der Tariff-Jungle der DHL ist NICHT MEHR ÜBERSCHAUBAR. Ich war heute mit 4x Paketen in der Filiale, zwei davon seien FALSCH frankiert gewesen, ich musste bei einem Paket 2€ nachzahlen, d.h. 7€ für ein Paket mit Sendungsverfolgung. Das andere sei […]
We all want RELIABLE technology to serve mankind – not pollute the planet and the oceans. For this to play out right – it is important to ONLY buy HIQH QUALITY products – that are hopefully manufacturerd IN YOUR COUNTRY […]
“Thinking is hard work and not worth the effort” (The Love Police) Ever wondered why WhatsApp is for free? It is a self-surveillance tool. Phones with closed-source wifi drivers are cheap. Because to know the last detail about you – […]