scroll down to: “how to access user-dev-admin’s home network boxes from anywhere via reverse-ssh-tunnel! :D” ssh tunnel remote deviceD’s port access a device’s port that is only available via a specific machine 😀 or in other words: ssh-tunnel port of […]
scientists predict human leven AI by 2047 ChatGPT says 2035 so DON’T HOLD THE BREATH What is GPT4All-J?: An Apache-2 Licensed Assistant-Style Chatbot What is Mistral Orca? “The AI community building the future.” “The platform where the machine […]
why are not more companies, schools, governments, banks using GNU Linux? Some might claim because of lack of standardization. but imho that is not true. from a biologists point of view biodiversity is actually a very good thing, as it […]
src: btw: StarShip fully-stacked maiden flight is said to be this week. So the good part of the Science-Fiction now becomes more science als less fiction.
please support this Open Source, Tech & Privacy dedicated blog 😀 by buying from Amazon Affiliated links: Get the amazing Samsung S21 Ultra 5G with 10x times optical zoom 😀 thanks for keeping this site up and running! all […]
“to swap, or not to swap, that is the question”: definitely swap more! Shakespeare! “to encrypt, or not to encrypt” (if it contains valuable data: DEFINITELY ENCRYPT!!!) (general tutorial about lvm (logical volume management) “to lvm, or not to lvm” […]
Brother HL-5450DN most older laser printers are pretty reliable and can made to work with GNU Linux (if they support App Socket / HP JetDirect (asigned fixed IP to printer and give exact IP)) there is even a firmware update, […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
chm files are basically html files packed into an archive. unpacking them should be possible, but archmage file.chm output “Segmentation” faulted. lsb_release -a; # tested on No LSB modules are available. Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) su – root apt […]
that could be a GNU Linux Lenovo floating inside the ISS: “(Sam Bishop) Linux is everywhere, even in space… but space is a harsh environment with many challenges.” “Radiation disrupting electronics, wild temperature swings damaging circuit boards, no communications for […]
“FOSS means that effort is shared across organizations and lowers maintenance costs significantly” (src: comment by JohnFOSS on getting the naming right: Why is it GNU Linux and not just Linux? because it would given the developers who wrote […]
many users have/had macbooks. what was/still is great: OSX can be reinstalled over internet! (no more searching for licence keys or setup sticks/DVDs/CDs/) ‘power up or reboot your Mac then quickly hold down Command-Option-R until see the “Spinning World Logo”‘ […]
to swap or not to swap? That is the question. definitely define a large swap space (3x or 4x times RAM) unless the user has a really good reason (like not enough harddisk space) for example: without insane amounts of […]
actually wanted give this printer to (still) windows user, then realizing… there is no f*** chance to install drivers within windows 10 for this elderly but just printing damn fine reliable black and white laser printer from brother, so… USB […]
they have gone missing. but they are available again under Debian 11 hostnamectl; # tested on Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Kernel: Linux 5.10.0-9-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 apt search gcc-doc Sorting… Done Full Text Search… Done gcc-doc/stable,stable 5:10.1.0-1 amd64 […]
update: 2022: ah oh: Pine community in Pain? “In February 2021, PINE64 announced the end of the community editions. At this moment, PINE64’s focus shifted from supporting a diverse ecosystem of distributions and software projects around the PinePhone to […]
mplayer is still a great program 🙂 that let’s you play streams and files on command line (per default it has no gui) creditz: # install it su – root apt update apt install mplayer ffmpeg Ctrl+D # log […]
Original Swirl (click to enlarge) this campaing got deleted (users did not order enough) so the ONLY available shirt right now is “fancy swirl” shirt: Fancy Swirl (click to enlage) click on pic or here to shop: 100% organic […]
the positive vision (always start with something positive) if big data about every keystroke every step we make (the police: every step you make) algorithms determine how mankind will live and thus: technology is “neutral” until it is used for […]
the specs CPU Allwinner A20,32 Bit Cortex™-A7 2-Core 1G GPU ARM® Mali400MP2 -> get the GPU going SDRAM 1GB DDR3 (shared with GPU) 432Mhz Storage “SD Card up to 64GB (SDXC) 1 SATA up to 2TB “ Network 4x Gigabit […]
Description of each field As you can see from the first three lines: First letter -> desired package state (“selection state”): u – means: Unknown (an unknown state) i – means: Install (marked for installation) r – means: Remove (marked […]
making usb sticks with GNU Linux and dd: WARNING! one single wrong drive letter and data could be irreversible destroyed! (it has happened many times before!!!) so this script (download it here) aim’s to double check if it is […]
raid10 combines the speed of raid0 with the resilience of raid1. watch out: shingled hdd are not good for RAID! setup of GNU Linux mdadm software RAID10 is actually pretty straight forward: no need to do any partitioning. # tested […]
CentOS 7 (maintained until 2024) is hailed a rock-solid GNU Linux Open Source (?) server OS, hardened by many idealistic developers & RedHat technicians. A LOT of project (for example) based on CentOS + RHEL, but RedHat was bought by […]
harddisk encryption is important from critical data to get physically stolen (can’t do much about data that get’s stolen while DEcrypted) (except: to not have any physical network connection while the data is in DEcrypted state?) hostnamectl; # tested on […]
Yes! What RSS does NOT stand for “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh” , “Nathuram Godse, who assassinated Gandhi, on January 30, 1948, was a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or R.S.S., a violent right-wing organization that promotes Hindu supremacy.” (src: HolyCow!) […]
long story… good alternative? having had various frustrating experiences with the topic: TV + PC (even tried a cheap DreamBox 520 HD from eBay… which are probably good devices, but this one turned out to be faulty/unstable) now… in […]
Who is Writing (GNU) Linux? Every (GNU) Linux kernel is being developed by nearly 1,000 developers working for more than 100 different corporations. This is the foundation for the largest distributed software development project in the world. (src) “None” has […]
the story goes like this. multiple files were zipped under Windows 7 (Pro German/DE) and unzipped under GNU Linux Debian 10. The problem is: that the special chars of the filenames are all reported as “invalid encoding” (within the MATE […]
always say something positive first: FritzBoxes are great (DSL/LTE/…) internet routers (up to now) all FritzBoxes work with 12V DC (which is great for usage with small solar power stations (that are usually 12V based)) high quality & reliable secure […]