Category: experimental

Freetz Alternative Firmware for Older FritzBoxes

JavaScript can compromise the user’s network devices! pretty evil are devices/routers with security problems, that can be exploited from javascript. so basically opening a webpage with a browser that has javascript enabled (which most browsers have) might scan the user’s […]

Odroid H2 as ventilator cooling ventilation airmachine

finally summer and climate change have both reached Europe and had several weeks of 30 C straight… without ventilation, anything above 30 is just “too much to think” (so maybe the brain CPU also would need active cooling?) of course […]

quantum computing and a universe wide wireless communication network faster than the speed of light

Why is quantum computing important: optimization Update: Google claims to have reached quantum supremacy The tech giant unveiled its x-quantum computer chip Bristlecone in March 2018 (src: cnet) original nasa paper: book: Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ! […]

retro computing: win95 win98 as virtualbox vm running on linux host

tested on: Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7 Kernel: Linux 4.15.9 Architecture: x86-64 # using vboxmanage –version 5.2.6r120293 ah lovely isn’t it? BSOD Win98 style… errors were NOT the exception, they were THE NORM (and still […]

Wifi Accesspoint that connects to another Wifi Accesspoint (Client-Bridge) – TP-Link can do that – WLAN AdHoc Client Bridge with tp-link tl-wr841nd v11 – use wifi router as wifi usb adapter – Multiple Operation Modes – Wireless Client Mode – Bridge Mode – Bridge with AP Mode – Repeater (Range Extender) Mode

Wifi Modes of an Access point: DLink has painted a nice overview over the possible different modes of an Accesspoint: cybersec: from great wifi modes that allow bridging two wifi networks, it would be GREAT if vendors test their products […]

update: 2021-08: hurd ain’t dead Debian GNU Linux HURD MicroKernel – Stallman’s OS comes to life :-D

update: 2021-08: hurd ain’t dead   how to get it running? src: downloads: kvm qemu vm image: iso: Debian GNU/Hurd 2021 “Bullseye” – Unofficial hurd-i386 20210812 Welcome to the exciting world of Debian GNU/Hurd This directory […]