Category: Privacy / convenience vs surveillance / Orwell

DataProtection in the US: WHAT DATAPROTECTION?

“In an FFTF article published right after the vote, the group said that the elimination of the FCC’s privacy rules will allow ISPs to: Monitor and sell all your location data search history app usage and browsing habits to advertisers […]

the tax injustice rant – the new tax free upper limit for AirBnB, eBay & Co is 2000EUR or 29 trades per year – tax injustice double cum-ex standards – how to where to view yearly eBay turnover – jährlichen gesamt Umsatz und Anzahl Verkäufe einsehen Übersicht

Paying taxes is no fun Paying taxes double and tripple is even less fun. Because let’s face it: when buying a pair of NEW shoes in Germany the average German Joe already pays at least 19% MwSt. plus the income […]

the positive the negative: bigdata + AI could help early detect cancer | privacy is security – why mass surveillance – German court rules mass bulk data gathering (calls, SMS, IP including location) illegal

the positive: Okay let’s ALWAYS focus on the positive first: data, the web, free flow of information has given mankind new abilities: online learning-from-each-other (“social learning” one of said to be strong points of humans vs animals) better decision making […]

WhatsApp vs Signal – centralized vs de-centralized

both are centralized Messengers meaning: the user is in control of the device + software (to the extend that the user can understand the src) Android-Client “the client” 100% Open Source (Java 70.8% Kotlin 29.1%) iOS-Client 100% Open Source (Swift […]

Stop using Telegram – it is not safe – at all

“know in some countries they believe Telegram is safe. I will show you how safe it is,” he said, before showing a screen in which he appeared to scroll through the Telegram contacts of one Kenyan strategist

Google hates Tor – Any website that is blocking Tor SUCKS!

mass surveillance is real & cencorship is real: Why does Google hate Tor? Because Google is a mass-surveillance AI. And surveillance hates anonymizing networks such as Tor. That’s why the visitor of this website SHOULD donate to Tor and Signal […]

wie privatsphäre online verbessern mit tor und kostenloser vpn firmware für router / How to protect privacy online with tor and free vpn firmware for routers – how to setup tor node / Как защитить конфиденциальность онлайн с помощью tor и бесплатной прошивки vpn для роутеров – как настроить tor узел / Як захистити конфіденційність в Інтернеті за допомогою tor і безкоштовної прошивки VPN для маршрутизаторів – як налаштувати вузол tor / Cómo proteger la privacidad en línea con tor y firmware vpn gratuito para enrutadores: cómo configurar el nodo tor / Comment protéger la confidentialité en ligne avec tor et le firmware VPN gratuit pour routeurs – comment configurer le nœud tor / 如何使用路由器的tor和免费VPN固件在线保护隐私 – 如何设置tor节点

0) for security: keep all internet connected devices as up to date as possible! “Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices” (src: Also […]

BigData in Africa: without any protection – Shivani Siroya TEDx – “A smart new business loan for people with no credit” – When AI takes over – and calls all the shots – and nobody knows why it decides what it decides – not just Africa – bank accounts AI (over)blocked

the risks of all digital (no cash) payment systems & amok AI: “This happens quite often with customers of the Cashgroup banks (@DeutscheBank / @Postbank / @Commerzbank / @Comdirect) as soon as their algorithms hit your account is directly without […]

selling cookies: privacy madness: the “short” list of companies that want to know what forbes article a user clicked on (and god knows what else)

everyone hates em…. cookie banners it’s “funny” (no actually not and is not a site this user is visiting very often, it was this article that the user was interested in:, is actually writing for, so […]

Windows 10 is a data privacy nightmare

all those surveillance and “in app trying to sell something”  make it way slower than Win 7… which is not good for a company that want’s to be productive (security, reliability, speed, speed, speed) get a bit of free tuning […]