Category: games


why have one package management system if the user can have 3x 4x 5x? to keep it simple imho it would be better to use only one “one to rule em all” (maybe python pip as exception) […]

how to run flash swf via GNU Linux Debian 13 via ruffle

“A Flash Player emulator written in Rust ” this is PRETTY cool yes html + javascript basically decimated the use of the FlashPlayer but flash had some strong points: java like language flexible % layouts were easy to make still […]

the only true cross platform games: Games for browsers
07.10.2023 there is also the version for xbox kinect, where the user actually is steering the doodle with user’s body (cool, but that SHOULD also be possible with a smart phone’s front cam right?) game ideas: while doodle jump […]

the future of (power efficient and mobile) gaming – SmartPhone as DesktopPC? – the future are RISC(V) (ARM) CPUs – RK3588S is 3.04x in single-core and 3.65x in multi-core faster than Raspberry 4 (

mekotronicsplz note: “the-best-technology-does-nothing-without-a-good-human-culture” Yes! Read that correctly, modern SmartPhones are actually full blown computers, so why not use them as such? Now that they have enough (RISC) based computational power that they can replace Desktop and Notebooks, problem: they can […]

Power Efficient Gaming – is this possible? YES IT IS! – Horizon Zero Dawn on AMD Ryzen 5600G (VEGA Cezanne OnBoard GPU) with as little as 86W! – GNU Linux using half the power of Windows 10 when Idle! #wtf? – enable enable SVM Mode in UEFI BIOS to enable KVM Virtualization support

Even managed to run this system ONLY with SOLAR POWER from March to November (but not winter X-D) Of course RISC(V/ARM) based (mobile) gaming systems would be those that use the least amount of power per frame 😀 But it […]

GNU Linux – i-war running inside GNU Linux Debian 11 via wine – run old dos games (and windo(w)s games) from wine to dosbox-x – how to compile from latest src – first problems: keyboard / some keys “:” not working – mastering the game

a word of warning: NEVER EVER INSTALL GAMES ON “FOR WORK” MACHINES! also: NEVER run any downloaded games while being connected to a network of importance (no matter if private or business) (nobody knows what those C++ dlls are up […]

online coworking space – New Ways of Online Interaction and Cooperation – creative innovative fun format for Digital Online Conferences as RPG GAME! Nürnberger Digital Festival

update: join me @ first of: the online conferecing as RPG game format is really fun and innovative idea to make online events more fun! 🙂 (it is accompanied by live streams via vimeo or youtube) Corona will […]

ut2004 – players vs (more) bots (than players)

why mess with this old game? (it is on steam… for some countries) because it has it can be run on GNU Linux online multiplayer a lot of game modes such as “onslaught” (build & defend bases) capture the flag […]

old but still rocking games – Severance – Blade of Darkness

“Knights, Orks and Skeletons (of course)” Severance Blade of Darkness (2001) is an very very old (almost 20 (!!!) years now) open world adventure game almost a “Lara Croft” in “the middle ages” meeting Orks from “Lord of the Rings” […]


while the Unreal Engine has a great reputation for being very realistic looking (despite the name X-D) but physics was often neglected or lacking at all. not so anymore? what was great about red faction 1 (THQ (2001–2013)) – you […]

retro computing: win95 win98 as virtualbox vm running on linux host

tested on: Operating System: CentOS Linux 7 (Core) CPE OS Name: cpe:/o:centos:centos:7 Kernel: Linux 4.15.9 Architecture: x86-64 # using vboxmanage –version 5.2.6r120293 ah lovely isn’t it? BSOD Win98 style… errors were NOT the exception, they were THE NORM (and still […]

3d standard evolving on the browser

web3d awesome! you can walk here with cursor buttons and tilt up and down with mouse wheel: and even upload your own pictures: marbleous: But the website itself is pretty impressive: unfortunately the tux web flying simulator did […]