Motorola, Apple, Samsung, and now even Fairphone 4: NO 3.5mm headphone jack!!! For the audio junkies among us, this is a no go. Was so looking forward to the Fairphone, but will probably use a phone with audio jack as […]
always say something positive first: FritzBoxes are great (DSL/LTE/…) internet routers (up to now) all FritzBoxes work with 12V DC (which is great for usage with small solar power stations (that are usually 12V based)) high quality & reliable secure […]
home of git’s git repo: # to clone git’s git repo git clone # as can be seen there, it is STILL under active development written in primarily in C, with GUI and programming scripts written in Shell […]
EPSON LQ-870 needle printer is one fine example that sustainable long lasting durable hardware IS POSSIBLE! EVEN WITH PRINTERS! Next to it stands a Brother 6490CW, a pretty heavy piece of ink jet machinery (feels like 15kg) with a software […]
there are a lot of service providers where you can rent a virtual server… for example: hetzner, for 3€ per Month you would get 1x CPU core and 2GB of RAM, instead of VPS they also call it “cloud”, it […] Elon Musk: (EM) “the big aerospace companies had no interest in radical innovation, all they wanted to do is try to make their old technology slightly better over the years. Particular in rockets it is pretty bad. … People […]
Instead of displaying advertisement (google ad-words did not pay off for me) – the browser of visitors could mine crypto currencies for blogger to sponsor her/his site. It does not even matter if they are bots or humans. Botnets […]
“You will constantly have to fight for even the most basic of rights – and build your own infrastructure – or your government will spy on you and lobbyists try to take away your freedoms.” Watch this video and this: […]
FOR SECURITY REASONS, KEEP ROUTER FIRMWARE UPDATED! Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices. (src: welcher router/welche hardware verwenden/zukunftstauglich? (ändert sich von Jahr […]
first of all thank you for donating spare (web)server power to keeping the privacy of activists safe. this seems to be a bug and the only current solution seems to downgrade tor? this problem was discovered on: Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 […]
Updates from CryptoCat “With great user data comes great responsibility.” (src) it has become a desktop app… not a firefox plugin. Checkout the video from it’s creator (thanks for all your efforts! 🙂 developer’s site : Sind […]
#install software # CentOS7 yum update && yum install samba-client samba-common cifs-utils # Debian hostnamectl; # tested on (server + client) Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-18-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 # and older # (GNU) Linux Debian […]
Alternative: Welche aber keine mp3 erstellten. es ist ein Katz und Maus spiel… zwischen Youtube und JDownloader, dem praktischen Multi-Downloader-Programm welcher die Youtube Videos wahlweise in verschiednen Qualitätsstufen als auch nur die Tonspur als mp3 herunterladen konnte. Bis c.a. 10.2013, […]
Update: 2018-6: It’s official: Microsoft will spend a whopping $7.5 billion to buy GitHub THE LINUX KERNELS ARE managed @ github! see for yourself: Linus Torvalds, after using CVS at a commercial company he experienced it as beeing a pointless […]
you don’t need to buy a expensive windows server licence for terminal capabilities! TERMINAL SERVER WINDOWS 7 – PRINT LOCALY FROM REMOTE PC – MULTIPLE CONNECTIONS just take download 20 days the demo here 5x Terminal Sesssions for 100$ for […]