why fiddle with multiple external usb cables and power supplies when simply switch icybox hd dockingstation off swap harddisks switch icybox hd dockingstation on works ok (short rsync based test ext4 filesystem) thick usb cable. fun fact it’s the same […]
conventional wisdom has it that user should revisit (refresh: write to a different disk than write back) data every 5x years to make sure that it can still be read which also helps keep the motor spinning that was sitting […]
how to get started: have a hetzner account login to https://console.hetzner.cloud/ create a new project click on project in the left menu there is a new entry: Object Storage tested and works: upload download delete untested: https://docs.hetzner.com/de/storage/object-storage/howto-protect-objects/protect-versioning/ pricing: https://docs.hetzner.com/de/storage/object-storage/overview/#preise max. […]
https://github.com/LinearTapeFileSystem/ltfs hostnamectl; # tested on Static hostname: ubuntuxts Virtualization: kvm Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.15.0-107-generic Architecture: x86-64 su – root apt install build-essential module-assistant gcc make perl dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) apt -y install automake; # 1.13.4 or […]
out of space? howto upgrade and grow lvm2 luks encrypted root home harddisk the process is like this: lvm2 can use a new empty partition or even harddisk to extend an existing logical volume group and logical volumes inside those […]
BIT FLIPS are a COMMON thing in the universe 😀 so EEC RAM ACTUALLY MAKES SENSE 😀 “Studies by IBM in the 1990s suggest that computers typically experience about one cosmic-ray-induced error per 256 megabytes of RAM per month”[15] As […]
once upon a time, compressing massive amounts of binary was required. hostnamectl; # tested on Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-12-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 lscpu | grep -E ‘Architecture|Model name|Thread|Core’; # tested on CPU Architecture: x86_64 Model name: […]
QNAP is ignoring UNIX KISS and load heaps and heaps of programs pre-installed, pre-activated on their QNAP NAS which not only slows down the NAS, it is also a privacy (thumbnails that NEVER get deleted) and security problem.
This is actually VERY usefull to find files that waste disk space. lsb_release -a; # tested on Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) the solution: czkawka_cli install rust like this (no need to install rust as root) install […]
Year 2000 has passed, no flying cars yet but at least more faster (SSD and NVMe) disk space 😀 All sorts of resources also digital resources and bandwidth, RAM and DiskSpace space are STILL precious and should be treated as […]
UNTESTED! 😀 these drives are called: “U.2 PCIe NVMe” no kidding, search for em on ebay. “Micron has been developing some of the world’s most advanced memory technologies for more than 40 years, including DRAM (Dynamic Random Access Memory) and […]
2023 Update: first scandal with SandDisk SSDs: cheap solder. WD helps ruining latest bought up brandname SandDisk it’s name for quality, by building maximal cheap crap and selling it for premium prices: “Suspected cause of SSD death raises eyebrows | […]
NTFS (better file exchange since 2021) vs Open Source https://www.theregister.com/2021/10/13/how_ntfs_finally_made_it/ wow. just as the word.doc(x..xx…xxx) formats NTFS kept changing… will it ever “settle”? X-D (currently v3.1) making proper file exchange (without the risk of dataloss) between the Open Source and […]
if the spice tools are installed, clipboard sharing between host and guest (copy & pasting text and even images (!)) should (!) work 😀 What is not working virtualbox-easy-style (yet) is easy-host-to-guest-and-vice-versa-file-transfer (which IS VERY ANNOYING (RedHat are you listening? […]
currently testing the AMD workstation with the KINGSTON SKC3000D2048G NVMe, directly attached to one of the 2x NVMe slots (no RAID), as this NVMe drive seems to offer excellent price-to-disk-size-and-performance-value, if it is a kingston-quality drive, then there should be […]
got a new toy. after the MDADM RAID0 with 2x datacenter capable Kingston directly mounted on the mobo, did not turn out MASSIVE speeds 😀 (it was just a test, what speeds those datacenter (!!! 24-7 operation for years!!!) can […]
what to expect? (click here for two html embedded test video files, if the user’s browser can playback 264x and 265x) while x264 and x265 are surely great codecs, the re-encoding of x264 to x265 is very CPU and thus […]
update: 2024-04: system running well fastest AMD with integrated GPU would be: Ryzen 7 8700G (search bundle on ebay) the Ryzen 7 has more cores, so single core wise the CPUs are close to each other, multicore the 7 should […]
TLC last longer and are faster but also more expensive Which is better SLC MLC TLC QLC? lifespan + performance-wise: SLC MLC TLC QLC For comparison: SLCs are able to last up to 100,000 write cycles while QLCs even with […]
How to create an encrypted USB stick Creating an encrypted USB stick under GNU/Linux is fairly ease. First lets install required packages and erase everything from the stick gives good overview of where is what: (in a tree view style) […]
SSD to USB Adapter review + benchmark: asus vs inateck vs Beikell (NOT BELKIN) vs vs the idea: problem: the motherboard has only 2x internal NVMe connectors and on a dual boot system: GNU Linux occupies NVMe0 Windows occupies NVMe1 […]
“to swap, or not to swap, that is the question”: definitely swap more! Shakespeare! “to encrypt, or not to encrypt” (if it contains valuable data: DEFINITELY ENCRYPT!!!) (general tutorial about lvm (logical volume management) “to lvm, or not to lvm” […]
lsb_release -a; # tested under Description: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) su – root # create new file touch /scripts/shutdown.sh chmod +x /scripts/shutdown.sh # edit and insert orange content vim /scripts/shutdown.sh #!/bin/bash echo “=== shutdown as gracefully as possible ===” # […]
create a new shared folder on the nas call it “data” enable NFSv4, disable NFSv3 specify list of IPs that are allowed to access the NFSv4 share: don’t forget to hit “Apply” the idea is “anyway” to NAS<-directly-LAN-1000MBit->PC connect the […]
IDE, SCSI, SATA, SAS now U.2 M.2… these drives are called: “U.2 PCIe NVMe” no kidding, search for em on ebay. that reminds of… “the usb cable chaos” has arrived with “Slim SAS” for another round of mass cable connector confusion […]
ZFS is probably THE most controversial filesytem in the known universe: “FOSS means that effort is shared across organizations and lowers maintenance costs significantly” (src: comment by JohnFOSS on itsfoss.com) “Mathematicians have a term for this. When you rearrange the […]
possible (untested!) alternative: SanDisk Extreme Pro Portable SSD V2 Review the harddisk reliability toplist: while this toplist says nothing about how reliable the harddisk can store and return exact copy of data written (!!!). this has to be tested in […]
nfs is to GNU-Linux what smb is to Windows: sharing dirs & files “The Network File System (NFS) was developed to allow machines to mount a disk partition on a remote machine as if it were a local disk. It […]
making usb sticks with GNU Linux and dd: WARNING! one single wrong drive letter and data could be irreversible destroyed! (it has happened many times before!!!) so this script make_stick.sh (download it here) aim’s to double check if it is […]