ever heard of PSR? (PHP Standard Recommendations are like RFCs) no? Nevermind. some devs make jokes about PHP – but this – only PHP + XDEBUG can do! setup a test-server with test requests and data and start debug session […]
always say something positive first: then the critique: follow the excellent guide: https://getcomposer.org/download/ mkdir /var/www/html/composer cd /var/www/html/composer php -r “copy(‘https://getcomposer.org/installer’, ‘composer-setup.php’);” php -r “if (hash_file(‘sha384’, ‘composer-setup.php’) === ‘THISWILLHAVECHANGEDBYNOW’) { echo ‘Installer verified’; } else { echo ‘Installer corrupt’; unlink(‘composer-setup.php’); } […]
if there are problems… run this one-liner… and ESPECIALLY with let’s encrypt… watch CAREFULLY… as not all errors might show up in a nice red color as errors might NOT be reported for the domainX.com that causes the error… but […]
v2 mkdir /root/backups; vim /scripts/backup_db.sh #!/bin/bash # Prompt user for root password read -sp “Enter MySQL root password: ” root_password echo # Get list of databases databases=$(mysql -uroot -p”$root_password” -e “SHOW DATABASES;” | grep -Ev “(Database|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)”) for db in $databases; […]
for debugging ssh stuff, this one liner is very handy (on client AND server) GNU Linux – monitor all logs in real time 😀 – follow all – show changes to log files under /var/log SFTP is very cool and […]
here is hugo https://gohugo.io/ recommended by a user, so have to look at it installing it for GNU Linux Debian users is as easy as: (no need for snap or brew) lsb_release -d; # tested on Description: Debian GNU/Linux 11 […]
WARNING! AUTOMATE BACKUP BEFORE AUTOMATE UPDATE-UPGRADE! While keeping WordPress including its plugins and themes up to date on a daily basis is a important thing to avoid beeing hacked and abused to spread malware, it must be said, that automating […]
here is a demo video: the possibility to step (!) debug requests, as they appear on the server is a neat feature, xdebug + eclipse are a great team, when the setup is complete. installed GNU Linux Debian 11 […]
php8 delivers up to +25% better speed than php7, which is remarkable. follow this excellent guide, and how to upgrade apache2 based webservers from php7 to php8.1, simply replace php8.0 with php8.1 in this excellent guide guide: in short: su […]
SecurityLab, [22.12.20 10:00] Google has explained the reasons for the massive failure of its services that took place last week. Recall that on December 14 of this year, users around the world for 47 minutes could not access Gmail, YouTube […]
v1.6 https://dwaves.de/software/familypicshare.de_v1.6.tar.gz https://dwaves.de/software/familypicshare.de_v1.6.tar.gz.sha512sum.txt released: improvements: thumbnail generator thanks to ImageMagick PHP extension can now also resize large image files (10MBytes and more) for slideshow it now uses resized versions of 1024px instead of the original file (which might be too […]
setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]
the fast leight weight, secure and (used to be easy to configure) webserver lighttpd is currently not working under Fedora / RedHat / CentOS (7?) 8 because lighttpd (currently) can not bind at ipv4 while ipv6 is active (see). https://www.lighttpd.net/ […]
firewall & the GNU-Linux Pinguin: firewalls: where do thy go? and does thee protect from DDoS? as always in software development and as always in GNU Linux, there is not “one” firewall system, no, there are many and it is […]
All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to the latest versions of PHP 7.3.11 and PHP 7.2.24. Vulnerability in PHP7 exposes sites to remote hacking risk The problem only applies to NGINX servers with PHP-FPM enabled. image A dangerous vulnerability […]
don’t be evil “Google controls about 62% of mobile browsers, 69% of desktop browsers, and the operating systems on 71% of mobile devices in the world. 92% of internet searches go through Google and 73% of American adults use YouTube. […]
servers/clients/computers/programs/services/webservers need accurate time… they usually get it from time servers that have an atomic clock attached to their USB port. (just guessing) ping time.google.com PING time.google.com ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from time2.google.com ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=43.5 […]
WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) changing port for […]
WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) backups can become […]
IPv6: Introduction it’s the year 2019, roughly 14% of the web is running ipv6. you can watch real time statistics here: (i have no clue how accurate the data is, how they are generated) https://ipv6.he.net/v4ex/sidebar/? … but it seems there […]
firewall & pinguin: iptables where do thou go? it is said that when using “ip-sets” iptables and nftables achieve almost same performance (amounts of ips possible to block, without server becoming slow/unresponsive) Redhat and nftables on DDoS “so the only […]
1×× Informational 100 Continue 101 Switching Protocols 102 Processing 2×× Success 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 207 Multi-Status 208 Already Reported 226 IM Used 3×× Redirection 300 […]
lately this blog gets bombarded with queries like these: which decoded are Korean SPAM? which translates as: iptables / firewalld seem not to work and have to really really figure out why. until then this is a little workaround, it […]
WARNING! BACKUP YOUR MACHINE! UNTESTED! before running this script change to your new web root: /home/UserName/web/domain.com/public_html then run it like /scripts/install_wordpress.sh it tries to: download and unpack the latest wordpress into the current directory disable xmlrpc.php disable wp-cron.php requirements: a […]
WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) 1. check what […]
WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) CentOS7: # search […]
there are a lot of service providers where you can rent a virtual server… for example: hetzner, for 3€ per Month you would get 1x CPU core and 2GB of RAM, instead of VPS they also call it “cloud”, it […]
update: 2024-04: can the PI be trusted? while many cool projects are made with Raspberry PIs, including camera surveillance projects, the PI’s design requires a GPU binary blob driver to be loaded BEFORE the OS is loaded… this is Open […]
sad update: Peter Eckersley of Let’s Encrypt is Dead may his soul find rest in the open source nirvana from earthly troubles… may the pain of his family and friends be overcome may let’s encrypt live on! Why: Do MAJOR […]
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol that provides security for communications between client and server by implementing encrypted data and certificate-based authentication. Technically, the term “SSL” now refers to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, which is based on […]