Category: Webserver

PHP Composer how to install and how to usage

always say something positive first: then the critique: follow the excellent guide: mkdir /var/www/html/composer cd /var/www/html/composer php -r “copy(‘’, ‘composer-setup.php’);” php -r “if (hash_file(‘sha384’, ‘composer-setup.php’) === ‘THISWILLHAVECHANGEDBYNOW’) { echo ‘Installer verified’; } else { echo ‘Installer corrupt’; unlink(‘composer-setup.php’); } […]

GNU Linux Bash – simple backup web root and mysql mariadb database in one go script

v2 mkdir /root/backups; vim /scripts/ #!/bin/bash # Prompt user for root password read -sp “Enter MySQL root password: ” root_password echo # Get list of databases databases=$(mysql -uroot -p”$root_password” -e “SHOW DATABASES;” | grep -Ev “(Database|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)”) for db in $databases; […]

project: sharing pictures alternative to WhatsApp (Facebook) – share family pictures with privacy & secure & easy

v1.6 released: improvements: thumbnail generator thanks to ImageMagick PHP extension can now also resize large image files (10MBytes and more) for slideshow it now uses resized versions of 1024px instead of the original file (which might be too […]

how to setup basic LAMP stack GNU Linux Debian – (Apache2 php7.3 MariaDB) (how to install xdebug – step debugging php requests in eclipse pdt on debian 10 buster (LAMP web development stack)) – how to enable mariadb mysql log file creation logging (also restarts) – how to Error occurred: (1034, “Index for table ‘proc’ is corrupt; try to repair it”)

setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]

ntpd – when fundamentals fail

servers/clients/computers/programs/services/webservers need accurate time… they usually get it from time servers that have an atomic clock attached to their USB port. (just guessing) ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=43.5 […]


WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) changing port for […]

vestacp disable backups

WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) backups can become […]

a pretty good ipv6 introduction – ipv4 depletion

IPv6: Introduction it’s the year 2019, roughly 14% of the web is running ipv6. you can watch real time statistics here: (i have no clue how accurate the data is, how they are generated) … but it seems there […]

HTTP Status Codes

1×× Informational 100 Continue 101 Switching Protocols 102 Processing 2×× Success 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 207 Multi-Status 208 Already Reported 226 IM Used 3×× Redirection 300 […]

how to htaccess limit wordpress searches

lately this blog gets bombarded with queries like these: which decoded are Korean SPAM? which translates as: iptables / firewalld seem not to work and have to really really figure out why. until then this is a little workaround, it […]

self hosted wordpress setup script

WARNING! BACKUP YOUR MACHINE! UNTESTED! before running this script change to your new web root: /home/UserName/web/ then run it like /scripts/ it tries to: download and unpack the latest wordpress into the current directory disable xmlrpc.php disable wp-cron.php requirements: a […]

VestaCP disable roundcube webmail

WARNING! central VestaCP software vendor was hacked in 2018 not sure if they fixed the problem and continue VestaCP development (a shame, it was really a very very nice web based gui to admin web and mailsevers) CentOS7: # search […]

NGINX as HTTP proxy – vhosts and SSL for Tomcat

Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a protocol that provides security for communications between client and server by implementing encrypted data and certificate-based authentication. Technically, the term “SSL” now refers to the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol, which is based on […]