Category: PGP and Cryptography

1984 mass surveillance: for a better world? – trust – mass surveillance – and why is there so much violence on TV? – the trust problem between gov and citizens needs to be addressed – Trump to end all encryption? – short version summary of 1984

scroll down and behave! (slaves of digital dictatorships) short version summary of 1984: short version: 1984 needs to be avoided at any cost. because: it is evil. (Google did not drop it’s motto “don’t be evil” for nothing) in essence: […]

04.04.2020 hm…. let me think where one has seen this before: TELEGRAM! Zoom’s service is “not suited for secrets” “The researchers also found that Zoom protects video and audio content using a home-grown encryption scheme, that there is a vulnerability […]

Russian IT Security Updates 2020-01

now WITH SPICY COMMENTS X-D SecurityLab, [22.12.19 12:40] A Twitter user using the alias 08Tc3wBB created tfp0-an exploit that allows you to jailbreak the latest iPhone models with IOS 13.3. The functionality of the exploit has already been confirmed by […]

how to verify Debian ISO Image – BAD signature – how to sign a file – chain of trust – the problem with short key IDs

make sure you downloaded the SHA512SUMS.sign from the same directory as the iso. otherwise you will get BAD signature. steps to reproduce: # download the iso image with non-free drivers (yes it sucks non-free drivers are […]


AES is often used in conjunction with IPSec-VPNs. K.U. Leuven, Belgium; Microsoft Research Redmond, USA; ENS Paris and Chaire France Telecom, France Abstract. Since Rijndael was chosen as the Advanced Encryption Standard, improving upon 7-round attacks on the 128-bit key […]

gpg cheat sheet – encrypting files with gpg

Warning! while gpg is very likely sound and solid encryption – what is far more likely to be compromised is YOUR HARDWARE – every network card – wifi card – usb UMTS G3 modem – PCI-Card – contains enough RAM […]


update: Bitcoin Gold hacked – 18 Million USD stolen   Elliptische Kurven: hm… hatte ich nie viel zu tun mit. Ist aber die Basis von ECDSA welcher verwendet wird um die echtheit von Bitcoin-“Überweisungen” zu verifizieren. Schlüsselpare: Es […]

GNU Debian Linux – howto Send encrypted E-Mail with Thunderbird and Enigmail and PGP in 5 Minutes (including backup and restore keypair) – your secret key has missing trust

Update: 2022: GPG is now integrated into Thunderbird 🙂 And it works pretty okay, thanks all involved 🙂 Update: 2021-01 Mozilla changed a lot in Thunderbird, Enigmail and other addons are not working anymore. Update: 2020-10 apt-listchanges: News […]