Category: HolyCow

not the first Use-after-free vulnerability in Adobe Reader – no pdf mail attachments are ALSO not safe (UNFORTUNATELY) (Minimal GNU Linux OS and (of course) Doom runs in PDF document)

cybersecurity wise mankind is doomed if mad CEOs (on drugs?) think it’s a good idea to allow the most bizare embedding of software into word.doc, excel.xls, just-want-to-print-that-file-properly.pdf and other formats “Use-after-free vulnerability in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 10.x before 10.1.9 […]

Has mankind lost it’s ability to learn?

Let me be frank. Once upon the time, was a Windows user. Then was happy to have to use OSX for a transition to GNU Linux. But once on GNU Linux (Debian) do not miss neither Windows nor OSX at […]

Musk quotes from Paris

“Founded in 2016, the annual fair in Paris is one of Europe’s top-tier technology events, this year attracting 2,400 start-ups – double the number it hosted in its first year – and more than 2,000 investors looking to fund the […]

the tax injustice rant – the new tax free upper limit for AirBnB, eBay & Co is 2000EUR or 29 trades per year – tax injustice double cum-ex standards – how to where to view yearly eBay turnover – jährlichen gesamt Umsatz und Anzahl Verkäufe einsehen Übersicht

Paying taxes is no fun Paying taxes double and tripple is even less fun. Because let’s face it: when buying a pair of NEW shoes in Germany the average German Joe already pays at least 19% MwSt. plus the income […]

Rust vs Go – Open Source is about enabling users – Rust lang will complement C around the GNU Linux Kernel (for better safety) “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to make Open Source more secure

Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]

Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership

Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership why more developers should chose GPL to publish programs: as a once proud Apple user… (yes GNU Linux Debian 10 actually runs pretty well on the Intel-Macbook-Pros) yes they are beautiful spies… […]

hello world WRITTEN/CRISPERED into bacteria DNA

proof wrong but, sorry to say but… would it not be possible that messing with bacteria DNA that by accident scientists creates new pathogens? new deadly diseases? so it’s one thing to write a program that dos “hello world” and […]

ntpd – when fundamentals fail

servers/clients/computers/programs/services/webservers need accurate time… they usually get it from time servers that have an atomic clock attached to their USB port. (just guessing) ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=43.5 […]

can you trust PDF attachments/files in 2019?

Pwn2Own 2020: opening a pdf can be enough to compromise system! thank you ccc you are doing a lovely work – make this planet more interesting by creativity and more informed about security 🙂 keep it up 🙂 […]