at least mathematically… and maybe in 1000 years?
She’s a Belter (Song by GERRY CINNAMON) in dedication to Drummer… imho “The Expanse” is super confusing plot and EXCELLENT intro music X-D space travel inspirations – best most epic Sci Fi theme songs and intros
Mobile Version: Desktop Version: also if the user has been using rss reader apps, the user probably knows that StarShip fully-stacked maiden flight is said to be this week 😀 and: it might very well be GNU Linux powered! 😀 […]
src: btw: StarShip fully-stacked maiden flight is said to be this week. So the good part of the Science-Fiction now becomes more science als less fiction.
For inspiration to space travel, it is enough to watch the excellent-music scifi intros 😀 space travel inspirations – best most epic Sci Fi theme songs and intros current status quo of propulsion: SpaceX’s Starship 33x raptors (go raptors! go!) […]
Star Trek Next Generation excellent teamwork of directors and actors stories not “too crazy” Star Trek Enterprise playing in older times than “Next Generation”, but the scinematic tech is better (3D renderings/costumers etc.) actors are okay, director is okay, story […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
a word of warning: NEVER EVER INSTALL GAMES ON “FOR WORK” MACHINES! NEVER run any downloaded games while being connected to a network of importance (no matter if private or business) (nobody knows what those C++ dlls are up to) […]
one more step for mankind IN NO WAY shall the accomplishments of the year 1969 be belittled, OR the Space Shuttle ($1.5 billion per flight), but imho what is happening NOW at NASA is a complete waste of money. NASA […]
that could be a GNU Linux Lenovo floating inside the ISS: “(Sam Bishop) Linux is everywhere, even in space… but space is a harsh environment with many challenges.” “Radiation disrupting electronics, wild temperature swings damaging circuit boards, no communications for […]
when? soon… very soon… “Musk on Nov. 17 said SpaceX will “hopefully launch” the first orbital Starship flight in January or February (2022), pending regulatory approval by the FAA as well as technical readiness.” (sc: “On Black Friday, SpaceX […]
long story… good alternative? having had various frustrating experiences with the topic: TV + PC (even tried a cheap DreamBox 520 HD from eBay… which are probably good devices, but this one turned out to be faulty/unstable) now… in […]
perfect start perfect skydiver-flight perfect landing small fire no “unscheduled rapid disassembly” aka “BocaChicaBoomBoom” 15h later… still standing!!! congratulationzzzz! so it is official: the Starship has landed…. intact in one piece. CONGRATULATIONZZZZ!🥳🥳🥳 Next stop: Low Earth Orbit 🙂 in order […]
direct link to Video: (for some buggy reason Diaspora or the WP Diaspora plugin is unable to include the video or properly link to it) full video: it is the first time, mankind has flown a vehicle on […]
Update: Amazon Kuper vs OneWeb vs SpaceX the competition is on! almost-satellite-colissions in space (who owns space?) collisions between Amazon Kuiper vs OneWeb vs SpaceX in court on Earth (some parties might not refrain from playing foul) “While SpaceX makes […]
“Linux has made it to Mars” “The Red Planet runs on Linux” (src: just hope the #Perseverence Mars rover ain’t running Windows 🙈 (then it is lost already X-D) it will start a flight in the next 2-3 months […]
Sept. 17, 2020 scroll down for English: Wenn wir den Mond am Nachthimmel sehen, sieht er so alt aus, dass er schon immer da war. Aber wie hat sich der Mond ursprünglich gebildet? Die Erkenntnisse aus einem neuen NASA-MondGesteins Studie […]
because of unprofessional journalism (no sources given to the origin of the pictures) it is not clear if those pictures are real pictures taken by a space probe and send back to earth or some CGI 3D renderings! SHAME ON […] “From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it’s different. Consider again that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you […]
Almost 10 years after it’s release – Mass Effect 2 grafix are still pretty pretty 🙂 the Mass Effect 2 setup was not working. When one inserts DVD2 and hits “retry” nothing happens. “simply copy all the files from the […]
“God has given mankind a stage – how the story ends – is up to you” … with the first pogo free Saturn V. “THE PERILS OF POGO” by Werner von Braun: Apollo 11 lunar landing mission. Left to right, are Neil A. Armstrong, commander; Michael Collins, command module pilot; and Edwin E. Aldrin Jr., lunar module pilot. km/h Eine Milliarden km pro Stunde 25.920.000.000 km / day in Worten 25 Milliarden km pro Tag 181.440.000.000 km / week in Worten: 181 Milliarden km pro Woche 5.443.200.000.000 km / month in Worten 5 Billionen km pro […]
Will StarLink be sufficiently protected against “solar storms”? aka “space weather”? it is important to ask those “what if” questions and at least exercise it and prepare somehow. quick answer: depends on the magnitude of the event Carrington 1859 size […]
important factors: shielding radiation: it is very important for long term survival of humans on any planet or in space to properly shield against radiation a thick atmosphere preferably with oxygen a magnetic field (artificial or by-iron-planet-core) to long-term colonize […]
how can everyone help? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 spread the news! set the focus! cognitive disconnectedness between governments and science: the non-sustainability mess Let’s face it… the fossil fuel powered steam engine economy … once started… is very hard […]
Make an impact! (just not on impact) how can everyone help build the city on Mars? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 write about it! spread the news! set the focus of the discussion! computer rendering of SpaceShip 2020-12: SpaceShip SN8 […]
Why is quantum computing important: optimization Update: Google claims to have reached quantum supremacy The tech giant unveiled its x-quantum computer chip Bristlecone in March 2018 (src: cnet) original nasa paper: book: Scott’s Supreme Quantum Supremacy FAQ! […]
multiple problems: distance, temperature, water, funding the discovery of exoplanets many light years away means: we shall take good care of our blue planet and share it peacefully and instead of putting all efforts into destroying each other and all […]