OF COURSE Dennis Ritchie is the father of C. (An appreciation of the late Dennis Ritchie) (src of the src) Ken Thompson: “was writing FORTRAN in TMG” “when it finally got down to 4k, called it B“ “B and C were […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-150-millionen-us-dollar-sollen-open-source-absichern-2205-165382.html https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-linux-foundation-will-security-praxis-vereinheitlichen-2008-150036.html src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: https://openssf.org/blog/2022/05/11/testimony-to-the-us-house-committee-on-science-and-technology/ 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
CentOS 7 (maintained until 2024) is hailed a rock-solid GNU Linux Open Source (?) server OS, hardened by many idealistic developers & RedHat technicians. A LOT of project (for example) based on CentOS + RHEL, but RedHat was bought by […]
Why Hybrid? “Most hybrid kernels start as monolithic kernels and begin moving components into user land, primarily as security to support 3rd-party components and drivers which may be malicious or buggy. An example of a hybrid kernel design may keep […]
first some praise: the maintainers of grub did their best they could to bring about a great piece of software, no doubt about that. the question is: could less be more? when Greg Kroah-Hartman suggested to get rid of the […]
long story short: “The Year 2038 problem is where the Unix time can no longer be stored in a signed 32-bit integer and thus after 19 January 2038 will begin wrapping around as a negative number for representing the number […]
Update: 2024 unfortunately also some ARM CPUs are affected by Spectre v1 and v2. Update: 2020.03 “The newly developed Rowhammer- attack TRRespass can crack the RAM-a security mechanism by many DDR4-DRAM-modules as well as LPDDR4 Chips. Until now, these were […]
latest kernel related security problems can be found here… -> https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/linux newsletter subsribe: https://tracker.debian.org/accounts/login/ also https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/kernel/linux.git http://www.securityfocus.com/ http://www.securityfocus.com/cgi-bin/index.cgi?c=11&op=display_threads&ListID=1&limit=30&offset=0&date=2017-06-20&mode=threaded https://cve.mitre.org/index.html https://twitter.com/CVEnew/ https://wiki.debian.org/DebianKernel
if ssh server is up and secured, it is possible to do so much more with ssh like secure file-transfer of large files (SFTP via FileZilla) or even forward the graphical output of a server-application locally (only that window, not […]
“The Unix Philosophy in One Lesson” “All the philosophy really boils down to one iron law, the hallowed ‘KISS principle’ of master engineers everywhere:” “Keep It Simple, Stupid” or “Keep It Super Simple” (less offensive) The Unix philosophy emphasizes building […]