OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD objects. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, MS Windows and Mac OS X. Unlike most free software for creating 3D models (such as the famous application Blender), OpenSCAD focuses […]
low and high quality tools: how to tell if a screwdriver is “low quality” (no matter what the label claims where it is from, everybody knows where such tools are produced): test: it can be bend by hand also look […]
EPSON LQ-870 needle printer is one fine example that sustainable long lasting durable hardware IS POSSIBLE! EVEN WITH PRINTERS! Next to it stands a Brother 6490CW, a pretty heavy piece of ink jet machinery (feels like 15kg) with a software […] / / / The Linux Presentation Day (LPD) is a non-commercial, international event where members of the general public are invited to watch Linux helping with everyday situations and have the opportunity to test it and ask […]
3D Printers could enable people to help themselves… printing replacement-parts or even replacement-body-parts: All people on this planets: PRINT A GUN! SUSTAINABILITY IS THE ENEMY OF THIS MADNESS-CONSUMER-CAPITALISTIC-SYSTEM! YOU WILL NEED IT, WHEN INDUSTRY -LOBBIES-> GOVERNMENT JOIN FORCES WITH THE MILITARY […]
or: where is the OpenPGP Wizard/Assistant?
… läuft anstandslos. im prinzip: nach backup einfach über die vorhandene installation “drüber entpacken”. dann Rerun the indexer: /mnt/ext/opt/apache/bin/php ./bin/indexer.php -c 1. backup data echo “backup dokuwiki”;tar fcvz /share/MD0_DATA/Backup/$(date +%Y-%m-%d) /share/MD0_DATA/Web/; 2. download new setup der herunterladen direkt in das […]
Die Informationsflut überrollt uns! Selbst Google kämpft damit herauszufinden, was eigentlich wichtige Informationen sind und was nicht, was Sinn ergibt! Mein Ziel ist es, den (unvermeidlichen?) Einsatz der EDV auf einen gesunden Simplizismus zu reduzieren, mich aber gleichzeitig neue Technologien […]