pixelfed this howto is unfinished [+] open source (PHP + Laravel) AGPL licenced (hopefully FOREVER) a bix of a confusing mix Shell 1.2% Blade 13.5% PHP 52.8% Vue 32.1% [+ decentralized (?) [+] great name [+] nice logo [+] nice website […]
why rust? hate loading times? rust is as C++ fast and unfortunately not easier to program than “user friendly” as C++ (from src): Performance: Fast and memory-efficient, suitable for critical services, embedded devices, and easily integrated with other languages. Reliability: […]
Debian running on ISS “pretty sure that no Windows systems are being used anymore. All/most laptops used by the astronauts have a Linux based operating systems (Debian)” (src: space.stackexchange.com) 2007: Debian: Anatomy of An Open Source Project WARNING! SHOCKING! NO […]
it might be the biggest “cyber” story of the year 2024 already: buy this guy MANY MANY COFFEES! he spotted the problem via know how but also luck 😀 it was a VERY VERY LONG and WILD COMPLEX and HIGHLY […]
scroll down to: “how to access user-dev-admin’s home network boxes from anywhere via reverse-ssh-tunnel! :D” ssh tunnel remote deviceD’s port access a device’s port that is only available via a specific machine 😀 or in other words: ssh-tunnel port of […]
Let me be frank. Once upon the time, was a Windows user. Then was happy to have to use OSX for a transition to GNU Linux. But once on GNU Linux (Debian) do not miss neither Windows nor OSX at […]
Efficiency is good in terms of: saving resources. Same results with less (power and other) input. BUT: good people need to be cultivated, by culture. Culture does not simply mean “gifts on Christmas” and “Lederhosen”. (that’s what it has become, […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-150-millionen-us-dollar-sollen-open-source-absichern-2205-165382.html https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-linux-foundation-will-security-praxis-vereinheitlichen-2008-150036.html src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: https://openssf.org/blog/2022/05/11/testimony-to-the-us-house-committee-on-science-and-technology/ 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
will be redone soon
Aufgrund des Feuerwerkverbots 2021: können wir ja das Fenster auf machen und auf Töpfe schlagen X-D for Corona reason (!?) it is forbidden to buy or sell fireworks in Germany in 2021 https://www.zeit.de/2022/01/feuerwerksverbot-silvester-2021-corona so the alternative is: open your windows, and […]
what is great about books vs blogs? (+) paper books don’t need electricity and hightech to function. energy grid and tcp networks (up to now) have worked pretty reliably, but at any given day, a massive solar flare or a […]
Motorola, Apple, Samsung, and now even Fairphone 4: NO 3.5mm headphone jack!!! For the audio junkies among us, this is a no go. Was so looking forward to the Fairphone, but will probably use a phone with audio jack as […]
inkscape is a genious vector drawing program it is a bit complex though and takes time getting used to hostnamectl; # tested on Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-18-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 Inkscape 0.92.4 (5da689c313, 2019-01-14) install the […]
the positive vision (always start with something positive) if big data about every keystroke every step we make (the police: every step you make) algorithms determine how mankind will live and thus: technology is “neutral” until it is used for […]
in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]
update: join me @ online-coworking-space.com https://play.workadventu.re/@/online/coworking/space.com first of: the online conferecing as RPG game format is really fun and innovative idea to make online events more fun! 🙂 (it is accompanied by live streams via vimeo or youtube) Corona will […]
in case the user needs a case: Open source hardware board that runs GNU Linux and Android. Entirely designed with open source software CAD tools. There are six variants: A64-OLinuXino-1G with 1GB RAM but NO flash and NO WiFi/BLE connectivity A64-OLinuXino-1Ge16GW […]
Yes! What RSS does NOT stand for “Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh” , “Nathuram Godse, who assassinated Gandhi, on January 30, 1948, was a member of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, or R.S.S., a violent right-wing organization that promotes Hindu supremacy.” (src: HolyCow!) […]
the story goes like this. multiple files were zipped under Windows 7 (Pro German/DE) and unzipped under GNU Linux Debian 10. The problem is: that the special chars of the filenames are all reported as “invalid encoding” (within the MATE […]
computers are no way perfect: the rise of the machines: who is scared of killer robots? who is scared of doctors, judges and police blindly trusting in AI and computer output? “we are driving in (heavy) rain right now with […]
the task at hand ought to be a simple one… the user has a data table of some sort (a Excel sheet). and wants only unique data sets (no duplicates) in a certain column theoretically Libre Calc can do that, […]
ffmpeg / avconv is pretty nice. it can even do mp4 to gif conversion! 🙂 so what the user can do is: use SimpleScreenRecorder, to record a fixed rectangle of the screen to mp4 and then use ffmpeg / avconv […]
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: “be careful what you reveal to your friend” (the internet) https://irlpodcast.org/season4/episode5/ “where it has gone from defending America to controlling it” data google tries to collect from users: (it is probably only the tip of […]
second take on trying to get a xmpp server (OpenFire, Java) client (Pidgin, C (C#, Perl, Python, Tcl are used for plugins)) up and running. at least this time with partial luck (was able to login via pidgin) but it […]
setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]
home of git’s git repo: https://git-scm.com/ # to clone git’s git repo git clone https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/git/git.git # as can be seen there, it is STILL under active development written in primarily in C, with GUI and programming scripts written in Shell […]
scroll down and behave! (slaves of digital dictatorships) short version summary of 1984: short version: 1984 needs to be avoided at any cost. because: it is evil. (Google did not drop it’s motto “don’t be evil” for nothing) in essence: […]
man made madness: Of course: this madness operates – just as tax avoidance – completely within the legal frameworks of countries with politicians that are open to “donations” (it is called CORRUPTION -> corrupt laws to profit the few). Of […]
https://theintercept.com/2020/04/03/zooms-encryption-is-not-suited-for-secrets-and-has-surprising-links-to-china-researchers-discover/ hm…. let me think where one has seen this before: TELEGRAM! Zoom’s service is “not suited for secrets” “The researchers also found that Zoom protects video and audio content using a home-grown encryption scheme, that there is a vulnerability […]
firewall & the GNU-Linux Pinguin: firewalls: where do thy go? and does thee protect from DDoS? as always in software development and as always in GNU Linux, there is not “one” firewall system, no, there are many and it is […]