Category: webBrowser

online coworking space – New Ways of Online Interaction and Cooperation – creative innovative fun format for Digital Online Conferences as RPG GAME! Nürnberger Digital Festival

update: join me @ first of: the online conferecing as RPG game format is really fun and innovative idea to make online events more fun! 🙂 (it is accompanied by live streams via vimeo or youtube) Corona will […]

how to setup basic LAMP stack GNU Linux Debian – (Apache2 php7.3 MariaDB) (how to install xdebug – step debugging php requests in eclipse pdt on debian 10 buster (LAMP web development stack)) – how to enable mariadb mysql log file creation logging (also restarts) – how to Error occurred: (1034, “Index for table ‘proc’ is corrupt; try to repair it”)

setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]

3d standard evolving on the browser

web3d awesome! you can walk here with cursor buttons and tilt up and down with mouse wheel: and even upload your own pictures: marbleous: But the website itself is pretty impressive: unfortunately the tux web flying simulator did […]

Free Web Video Conferencing with firefox

install firefox app and test it for free here: When Browsers start to talk to each other – Open Source HTML5 based Web Video Audio Conferencing WebCam ScreenSharing – Collaboration over internet WebRTC (“Web Real-Time Communication“) enables applications such […]

Firefox changing text write driection hotkey shortcut

applies to: Mozilla Firefox 53.0 (64-Bit) It happened by accident… Ctrl+Shift+X   and suddenly your text is written in another direction…i think hebrew is writing from right to left.   Left to right, horizontal The following writing systems are written […]

Why was Adblock Edge Firefox Addon removed from Mozilla Extensions Repository?

mirror download of this version: Adblock_Edge_2.1.9.1-signed.1-let-fixed.1-signed.xpi.gz sha512sum: 28253143d791157967e8b6370061beb84292a4733e2747e9d872005ec0033c1f423039926834dbbf65bff00abb5172d249fa3d6da3eb7a48f65e748f7f1989c0 sha256sum: 995237047ed6d612d7d5f4851f6bed4b18be01d4829241f9f0109ab515a586d4 src: src: license: this smells like corruption… after all, advertisement on the internet is big business – with Google’s Youtube playing an add spot every 5 […]


You can run this tool on your Linux or OSX box: Linux: Debian On Debian testing and unstable: Step 1. Type the following in your terminal: apt-get install ooniprobe; On Debian stable (jessie): Step 1. Configure debian backports by […]

23.09.2016 Checkout: IceCat Ok, let’s put this straigt. Mozilla HAD (!!!) a contract with Google from 2012 – 2014 that showered them with money – which they probably got a lot of shitstorms, and online-bashing. But even worse: Google stole […]

Linux: Alternative Browsers – last update: 2019-07

update: 2018.04 PaleMoon archive Server HACKED! “A malicious party gained access to the at the time Windows-based archive server” (src) oh gosh! ? GO USE CENTOS DEBIAN AND LATEST KERNEL NOW! “malware dropper tracked by ESET as Win32/ClipBanker.DY” (steals bitcoins) […]

GNU Linux – bash script – WebHTTrack and wget – Recursively download/backup entire Website

wget way: wget –no-check-certificate –limit-rate=5k –random-wait –recursive –no-clobber –page-requisites –html-extension –convert-links # remove “–random-wait” and rate “–limit-rate” if it’s the user’s website and bandwidth is no problem vim /scripts/; # create new file and fill with this content #!/bin/bash […]