Category: Cybercrime

not the first Use-after-free vulnerability in Adobe Reader – no pdf mail attachments are ALSO not safe (UNFORTUNATELY) (Minimal GNU Linux OS and (of course) Doom runs in PDF document)

cybersecurity wise mankind is doomed if mad CEOs (on drugs?) think it’s a good idea to allow the most bizare embedding of software into word.doc, excel.xls, just-want-to-print-that-file-properly.pdf and other formats “Use-after-free vulnerability in Adobe Reader and Acrobat 10.x before 10.1.9 […]

2024 is the year + SuperCharge IT processes with OpenSource + GNU Linux + kvm + there is still more potential + Intel Xeon vs AMD EPYC vs Altra ARM CPU vs Apple M1 benchmark battle! + M$ Office for GNU Linux

Hetzner is already doing it with very energy efficient Ampere ARM servers delivering world-class-cost-and-energy-saving-virtual-servers. (Gigabyte has them as well UNTESTED!) #SuperCharge #IT processes with #OpenSource + #GNU #Linux (call it #GNU #Linux and give the dude that wrote gcc some […]

GNU Linux howto ssh sshd config hardening security guide

update: 2024-06: ed25519 is currently “the way to go” ssh can be regarded as “critical core infrastructure” time spend on it’s security is time well spend time + money well invested: current manpage: WARNING: this howto guide […]

Fraud Betrug on (formals ebay)
19.10.2023 previously known as the most used second-hand platform in Germany was sold from ebay to an norwegian Investor Adevinta Also “ebay for cars” was sold from ebay to Adevinta. “In June 2020, Adevinta won the bid to […]

the hardcore security challenge any app store faces

No matter if docker repository called “hub”, Google’s App Store “PlayStore” or Apple’s App Store they are ALL facing the same security problems: plus: what if… a malicious actor uploads an App or docker container that is totaly […]

2023-03 IT Cyber Security Updates – Unfixed Cisco routers, Google ads to distribute malware, Evil Dota 2 game mods, Reddit’s internal documents and source code stolen, Apple zero-day vulnerabilities, malware in images, stealthy malware, fileless malware, SIM-Swapping scammer, Street magic steals crypto, Gootkit malware is actively attacking medical and financial institutions, American Megatrends BMC vulnerabilities, publicly accessible QNAP NAS again at risk, worm via USB drives, first suggested attacks on quantum cryptography, hurray for the cloud: misconfigured cloud database leaked data on ALL Australien citizens (spell it “klaut” wich is German for “steal”), Hackers modify DNS settings to redirect victims to malicious via vulnerable WiFi routers

(knowing that manually auto-translating Russian CyberSec news to English, is not a feasable concept and need to be automated, but as this blog is non-profit, it is for curiosity.) found an authentication vulnerability that allows account hijacking A vulnerability […]

Rust vs Go – Open Source is about enabling users – Rust lang will complement C around the GNU Linux Kernel (for better safety) “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to make Open Source more secure

Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]

FreeBSD based Citrix VPN hacked in massive hostpital healthcare hack in Germany CVE 2019 19781 – hits healthcare hospital in Germany, causing death of (at least) 1 person
27.04.2022 hits healthcare hospital in Germany, causing death of (at least) 1 person

2021-11 Russian IT Security Updates – why it is impossible to turn off the Internet in Russia – what is the “Mitnick attack”? – are the odds against the defenders? Browser Sidechannel Attacks “We confirm that none of these approaches completely defend against our attacks” – 2010: AI amok: how AIs almost crashed wallstreet and why it can have real world consequences (1929)

warning: no guarantee of completeness! contains ads! (but owner of blog get’s nothing, maybe source of source does) Are the odds against the (itsec) defenders? It certainly feels that way, because no human can ever find all bugs, so Fuzzing […]

What is Right – What is Wrong – with great powers comes great responsibility (aka the “Peter-Parker-principle” (Spiderman 2002)) – Big Tech with better and betters Tools and without better Ethics Morals unkowing what is Right or Wrong

in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]