Category: vpn

GNU Linux ssh magic tricks – access devices without opening firewall port – reverse ssh proxy tunnel – open source admin’s vpn and teamviewer replacement (no open ports needed) – how to use ssh into a network behind router-firewall and forward port of any device to localhost

scroll down to: “how to access user-dev-admin’s home network boxes from anywhere via reverse-ssh-tunnel! :D” ssh tunnel remote deviceD’s port access a device’s port that is only available via a specific machine 😀 or in other words: ssh-tunnel port of […]

wie privatsphäre online verbessern mit tor und kostenloser vpn firmware für router / How to protect privacy online with tor and free vpn firmware for routers – how to setup tor node / Как защитить конфиденциальность онлайн с помощью tor и бесплатной прошивки vpn для роутеров – как настроить tor узел / Як захистити конфіденційність в Інтернеті за допомогою tor і безкоштовної прошивки VPN для маршрутизаторів – як налаштувати вузол tor / Cómo proteger la privacidad en línea con tor y firmware vpn gratuito para enrutadores: cómo configurar el nodo tor / Comment protéger la confidentialité en ligne avec tor et le firmware VPN gratuit pour routeurs – comment configurer le nœud tor / 如何使用路由器的tor和免费VPN固件在线保护隐私 – 如何设置tor节点

0) for security: keep all internet connected devices as up to date as possible! “Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices” (src: Also […]

too much Wifi WLAN exposure is a health problem – About AVM FritzBoxes (7390) Rename Network Device – Netzwerk Gerät umbenennen – Rename Router Device change hostname netbios name – Meshing with the FritzBox – Freifunk Firmware for FritzBoxes?

always say something positive first: FritzBoxes are great (DSL/LTE/…) internet routers (up to now) all FritzBoxes work with 12V DC (which is great for usage with small solar power stations (that are usually 12V based)) high quality & reliable secure […]

TeamViewer – the ultimate security problem?

convenience vs security problem: remote support via internet in COVID19 pandemic days is basically a must for many companies, but does it have to run non-stop on computers that control sensitive machines and systems such as energy and water-supply? ABSOLUTELY […]

Starlink starts first beta demo – world coverage by 2021

  “Better Than Nothing” Starlink-Beta started across the US & Canada Starlink: amazing but and also a bit “crazy” “On 15 October 2019, the United States Federal Communications Commission submitted filings to the International Telecommunication Union on SpaceX’s behalf to […]

cool stuff you can do with ssh

i assume you have setup public-private-key-authentication and tested its workings and tightened security to only allow public-private key auth of specific non-root users. run local scripts remotely You can run local scripts remotely by executing bash on the remote system […]


Hardware Assembly: (i think 512MByte should be enough, 1GByte probably pretty good) Software Installation: including squid-proxy and web advertisement-filtering in the next part: OpenVPN 🙂 Thanks man! Amazing tutorials! by Related Links:

To Freifunk Firmware and Back on TP-Link TL-WR841N v11

FOR SECURITY REASONS, KEEP ROUTER FIRMWARE UPDATED! Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices. (src: welcher router/welche hardware verwenden/zukunftstauglich? (ändert sich von Jahr […]


what you will need is a NULL-MODEM CABLE (with all the twist an wirering) Linux Debian picocom / minicom settings: [cc lang=”bash” escaped=”true” width=”600″] apt-get update; apt-get install picocom; # install picocom sudo bash; # become root dmesg | egrep […]