Eine Raiffeisenbank verlangt 19,54% Überziehungszins (bei anderen wird es ähnlich viel sein) #wtf Wurden die hohen Giro Kontogebühren von 3 aufwärts abgeschafft seit die Zinsen wieder gestiegen sind? (nein natürlich nicht) Die einst GENOSSENSCHAFTLICHE (!) Bank welche einst Bauern aus […]
“In an FFTF article published right after the vote, the group said that the elimination of the FCC’s privacy rules will allow ISPs to: Monitor and sell all your location data search history app usage and browsing habits to advertisers […]
This is EXACTLY how “Yellow” Journalism works. “HEADLINE SAYS A” “text very small says B” (most people only read A and continue whatever they have been doing, which might be exploited by Journalists that get […]
#wtheseriousf? It used to “just work” “seamlessly”, now read the “HORRORS” of reinstalling a only 4 year old iMac (2019) that Apple just does not care about anymore. (just reinstalled LATEST 2023 Debian 12 on a 17 year old lenovo […]