Category: alternatives


why have one package management system if the user can have 3x 4x 5x? to keep it simple imho it would be better to use only one “one to rule em all” (maybe python pip as exception) […]

GNU Linux (Debian 12) – how to install mate desktop

mate desktop is leightweight easy to use (“start” menu is top left and hopefully will FOREVER stay there) consistent simplified design hostnamectl; # tested on Static hostname: debian12 Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-18-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 su […]

Has mankind lost it’s ability to learn?

Let me be frank. Once upon the time, was a Windows user. Then was happy to have to use OSX for a transition to GNU Linux. But once on GNU Linux (Debian) do not miss neither Windows nor OSX at […]

the tax injustice rant – the new tax free upper limit for AirBnB, eBay & Co is 2000EUR or 29 trades per year – tax injustice double cum-ex standards – how to where to view yearly eBay turnover – jährlichen gesamt Umsatz und Anzahl Verkäufe einsehen Übersicht

Paying taxes is no fun Paying taxes double and tripple is even less fun. Because let’s face it: when buying a pair of NEW shoes in Germany the average German Joe already pays at least 19% MwSt. plus the income […]

maximum privacy guide +WhatsApp +Signal both centralized vs de-centralized messengers – alternatives?

consider using tails consider using sunglases an FFP mask centralized messengers allow the company running the service to basically control all communication this allows censorship + manipulation wich is (of course) bad unfortunately signal + whatsapp […]

Stop using Telegram – it is not safe – at all

“know in some countries they believe Telegram is safe. I will show you how safe it is,” he said, before showing a screen in which he appeared to scroll through the Telegram contacts of one Kenyan strategist

the future of (power efficient and mobile) gaming – SmartPhone as DesktopPC? – the future are RISC(V) (ARM) CPUs – RK3588S is 3.04x in single-core and 3.65x in multi-core faster than Raspberry 4 (

mekotronicsplz note: “the-best-technology-does-nothing-without-a-good-human-culture” Yes! Read that correctly, modern SmartPhones are actually full blown computers, so why not use them as such? Now that they have enough (RISC) based computational power that they can replace Desktop and Notebooks, problem: they can […]

AMD Ryzen 5600G + Gigabyte Aorus B550 + 2x NVMe Kingston SA2000M81000G + RAID0 (AMD RAIDXpert2) worth it? does it work with GNU Linux? 8k Youtube Benchmark passed on GNU Linux Debian 11 MATE – enable enable SVM Mode in UEFI BIOS to enable KVM Virtualization support

update: 2024-04: system running well fastest AMD with integrated GPU would be: Ryzen 7 8700G (search bundle on ebay) the Ryzen 7 has more cores, so single core wise the CPUs are close to each other, multicore the 7 should […]

GNU Linux Debian 10/11 – /etc/apt/sources.list suddenly empty (Signal?)

something must have gone wrong during a apt update && apt upgrade… the /etc/apt/sources.list suddenly… is empty. GNU Linux Debian 11 (bullseye) default sources.list non-encrypted-transmission deb bullseye main deb-src bullseye main deb bullseye-security main contrib deb-src […]