Debian runs well even on systems with as little as 512 MBytes of RAM. so imho even on a QNAP NAS there should be no more “argument list too long” for whatever reason. lsb_release -d; # official way: tested on […]
Yes… … well… YESSS finally it works! BUT! IT’S VERY BUGGY! programs crash now and then… so it’s not “production” ready. … the foxlet approach worked 😀 (also got stuck in the last minute of setup of mojave… but after […]
equals to: one neat function of the find command, it that what it found can be passed to another program for further processing. or: it can delete the file by adding the option -delete BUT (!!!) THIS IS DANGEROUS! as […]
in theory yes, nano can replace vi and less, but in reality, it faults on large amount of data-files-streams hostnamectl; # as seen on Static hostname: giada Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) Kernel: Linux 4.19.0-17-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 # example […]
ah oh! Debian says the problem is fixed in many versions. The table below lists information on source packages. Make sure to keep all internet facing systems as up to date as possible. this bug might be critical for all […]
apt update apt upgrade is what users do… having no idea of the “heart attack” momentum that is awaiting them X-D after a reboot… and 1min 30sec timeout, the dreaded Control+D give root password prompt appears. “Houston we have a […]
Linux Journal Ceases Publication: An Awkward Goodbye IMPORTANT NOTICE FROM LINUX JOURNAL, LLC: On August 7, 2019, Linux Journal shut its doors for good. All staff were laid off and the company is left with no operating funds to […]
servers/clients/computers/programs/services/webservers need accurate time… they usually get it from time servers that have an atomic clock attached to their USB port. (just guessing) ping PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=43.5 […]
long story short: “The Year 2038 problem is where the Unix time can no longer be stored in a signed 32-bit integer and thus after 19 January 2038 will begin wrapping around as a negative number for representing the number […]
it kills the (probably not existing) virus scanner “An associated security bypass is done as well — it will scam for processes running in memory that are associated with Linux-based anti-virus products. If such are found they are going to […]
kernel 3.10, software raid1 works fine… kernel 4.18, software raid1 seems to work fine… kernel 4.19, software raid1 miserably fails… it starts to sync raid1 discs becomes slower and slower and finally “120 seconds….” then comes to a halt. i […]
this applies to: VirtualBox Version 5.1.8 r111374 (Qt5.3.2) hostnamectl Static hostname: DebianWorkstation Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 8 (jessie) Kernel: Linux 3.16.0-4-686-pae Architecture: x86 the VMs hangs on startup with this screen: Solution: kill the vm then disable audio device… the […]
In General: while a update/upgrade between major releases in theory is always “possible” – i realized it comes with a lot of problems. A complete reinstall “from scratch” is probably always the cleaner approach. apt-get dist-upgrade; # fails miserably because […]
what printers have good GNU Linux support? how to set default paper size/format? how to set default (system wide) paper size? (creditz) theoretically it should be set here: (creditz) /etc/papersize simply by: echo “a4” > /etc/papersize thats how users […]
after killing this “Hung” process… htop still reported 100% cpu usage… but not by what process? top says it is systemd-coredum… p ps uax|grep coredump root 4834 51.9 9.4 119256 95648 ? R 16:39 11:24 /usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump 4716 1000 100 […]
First of all… if you are getting started with Linux… DO NOT USE SUSE! FRANKLY: It might have it’s pros… but it’s nothing to get started, not good for newbies. There the “Universal” idea of Debian (run anywhere) is key. […] Checkout: IceCat Ok, let’s put this straigt. Mozilla HAD (!!!) a contract with Google from 2012 – 2014 that showered them with money – which they probably got a lot of shitstorms, and online-bashing. But even worse: Google stole […]
in General: NFS is pretty fast protocol for accessing files. It uses less overhead than SMB/CIFS and therefore acchieves greater performance. method1) rsyncing to a nfs-mounted qnap nas went with 20,7 MBytes/sec. method2) while directly ssh-rsyncing to qnap works only […]
the locate command is superfast but needs to build an index first. almost any new OS has indexing your files build-in. but you can guess they checksum EVERY SINGLE FILE and if it does not match ANY existing file-signature in […]
one recognized a very strange behaviour… the defined share in /etc/samba/smb.conf could NOT be accessed. No matter the config. So one added an obsolete “test” share… and was able to access all the other shares that were denied previously (“data”).
USB O2 UMTS Stick huawei E161 (ttyUSB21) HSDPA Modem i do not have a solution to this yet. links probably the same “modeswitching” is installed… modemmanager modemmanager – D-Bus service for managing modems modem-manager-gui – GUI front-end for ModemManager / […]
USE YOUR QNAP ONLY TO STORE BACKUPS! NEVER UNIQUE DATA OF WHICH NO BACKUP EXISTS! (like your holiday-pictures that you removed from your laptop harddisk to free some space… ARGH… and that you PLANNED to burn on DVD but never […]
tested on: Linux debian7 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.46-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux here an example how aptitude can resolve a problem that apt can’t resolve (easily). how to solve the problem: #!/bin/bash # the problem: dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of […]
gparted is super nice partition management program THANK YOU GPARTED TEAM 🙂 argh… well i guess nobody is perfect, therefore no human made product can be perfect, therefore to become (at least almost perfect) means to learn how to manage […]