Category: Non-Free-Hardware

Has mankind lost it’s ability to learn?

Let me be frank. Once upon the time, was a Windows user. Then was happy to have to use OSX for a transition to GNU Linux. But once on GNU Linux (Debian) do not miss neither Windows nor OSX at […]

AI Superpowers China Silicon Valley and the New World Order – Kai-Fu Lee – light and silicon – extreme Ultra Violet CPU production – ASML (Netherlands) TSMC (Taiwan) AMD Intel (USA) and the crazy physics behind transition from 14nm to 7nm process – Ångstrom Era

update: 2022-12 wow 3 and 4nm is very very small “TSMC recently announced that it is upping its U.S. investment in Arizona to US$40 billion (NT$1.23 trillion) and will manufacture 4nm and 3nm chips there. The 4nm chips are expected […]

What is Right – What is Wrong – with great powers comes great responsibility (aka the “Peter-Parker-principle” (Spiderman 2002)) – Big Tech with better and betters Tools and without better Ethics Morals unkowing what is Right or Wrong

in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]

Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership

Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership why more developers should chose GPL to publish programs: as a once proud Apple user… (yes GNU Linux Debian 10 actually runs pretty well on the Intel-Macbook-Pros) yes they are beautiful spies… […]

Recommended tested Hardware – Superb Wifi WLAN Adapter Chipset Atheros AR9285 Mini PCIE for GNU Linux Debian 10 Ubuntu and Trisquel 8.0 test run on Lenovo t440 and LibreBooted Lenovo x60s – disabled by evil “hardware switch” wifi card pin 20 fix

EDIMAX EW-7612UAn V2 THE ONLY (?) GNU Linux WIFI WLAN Adapter that works OUT OF THE BOX on all GNU Linux systems (ODROID RASPBERRY AND Desktop GNU Linux) different sizes… different standards… every year? why? it is hard to find […]

cost of cybercrime and lawful backdoors

“The cost to companies from malware and “malicious insider”-related cyberattacks jumped +12 percent in 2018 and accounted for one-third of all cyberattack costs, according to new research published today by Accenture and the Ponemon Institute.” src: logical consequence: stop […]

backdoors in hardware – Intel Anti Theft Brick Code
16.12.2018 While “backdoors” in hardware sound like a good idea… you don’t know how hackers are using it to sabotage infrastructure or extort bitcoins of another country’s companies… see “backdoor in cisco router“. IT IS F**** DANGEROUS! ESPECIALLY if […]

How far has the BigBrother from 1984 already gone?

“Thank you” i feel much safer now, that you know EVERYTHING about me, you, everybody. it is about influencing and directing the masses like a herd of cattle. Room 641A is a telecommunication interception facility in the SBC Communications […]


Solar Panel 100W (12V?) and Battery Charger (12V) Solar Panel Module Voltage: (Vmp) 17,6V Victron BlueSolar PWM-Light 12V 24V 10A -> DataSheed Maximum solar voltage: 28V possible alternative: Steca Solsum 8.8F 12Vor better: Steca-LCD-Display-PR-2020 12V -> 5V Car USB […]

Want to disable Intel Management Engine

It is actually a scandal that the world depends on chips and operating systems – that are designed to do mass-surveillance – it seems – in order to build up a world-wide-dictatorship that no-one can escape… by information and money. […]

XMPP vs Signal vs Threema vs WhatsApp vs SecureText vs Telegram vs – Telegram HQ in Saudi Arabia and London and other 1984 thought crimes

XMPP: Project Name Platforms Apache Vysper Linux / Windows AstraChat Linux / macOS / Solaris / Windows ejabberd Linux / macOS / Windows IoT Broker Windows Isode M-Link Linux / Windows jackal Linux / macOS Metronome IM Linux […]