there are multiple ways to allocate memory dynamic with c: malloc() calloc() realloc() alloca() (not ANSI C standard but implemented in most c compilers, advantage: no need to call free() after variable end of life, the reserved space will be […]
there is a German saying: “only the Genius rules (one’s own or others) chaos” imho this is wrong, if one was a genius, there would be no chaos in the first place it would be “as perfect as possible” aka […]
Hetzner is already doing it with very energy efficient Ampere ARM servers delivering world-class-cost-and-energy-saving-virtual-servers. (Gigabyte has them as well UNTESTED!) #SuperCharge #IT processes with #OpenSource + #GNU #Linux (call it #GNU #Linux and give the dude that wrote gcc some […]
ok let’s put it like this Mr Torvalds and Mr Stallman like their EMacs. Vim has grown into a very big program, that will contain errors (every program does and only god and nobody are perfect) But it at least […]
OF COURSE Dennis Ritchie is the father of C. (An appreciation of the late Dennis Ritchie) (src of the src) Ken Thompson: “was writing FORTRAN in TMG” “when it finally got down to 4k, called it B“ “B and C were […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
will be redone soon
they have gone missing. but they are available again under Debian 11 hostnamectl; # tested on Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) Kernel: Linux 5.10.0-9-amd64 Architecture: x86-64 apt search gcc-doc Sorting… Done Full Text Search… Done gcc-doc/stable,stable 5:10.1.0-1 amd64 […]
what is great about C? the simplicity of the compiler that just run’s anywhere still THE most resource efficient language with C the user does not have to buy a new computer every 3 years, because of updates slowing down […]
“floating point arithmetic is considered an esoteric subject by many people” (src: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic – David Goldberg 1991.pdf) some even do “transcendental calculations” (src) make no mistake: computer make mistakes too! not […]
Why this madness? because another machine is running Debian 10 and codelite v12 is it’s default repository. so the idea was: build codelite v12 on Debian 9 and be workspace-compatible well kind of worked. probably wiser, to install Debian 10 […]
home of git’s git repo: # to clone git’s git repo git clone # as can be seen there, it is STILL under active development written in primarily in C, with GUI and programming scripts written in Shell […]
UEmacs is the editor/ide that is said to be the work and choice of Linus Torvalds (gnu linux kernel, THANK YOU FOR THE GNU LINUX KERNEL! THANKS!, THANKS MR STALLMAN FOR GCC THANKS! THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED!) UEmacs hostnamectl; # […]