there is a German saying: “only the Genius rules (one’s own or others) chaos” imho this is wrong, if one was a genius, there would be no chaos in the first place it would be “as perfect as possible” aka […]
Hetzner is already doing it with very energy efficient Ampere ARM servers delivering world-class-cost-and-energy-saving-virtual-servers. (Gigabyte has them as well UNTESTED!) #SuperCharge #IT processes with #OpenSource + #GNU #Linux (call it #GNU #Linux and give the dude that wrote gcc some […]
will be redone soon
If the user got the time, watch parts of the full uncencored & uncut (thanks C-SPAN!) interview-testimony: Facebook/WhatsApp/Instagram and Telegram sideffects may include: ellection manipulation & manipulation of the masses massive intrusion of privacy (collect as much info as […]
short story: phase it out So it finally happened, Oracle wants to cash in on it’s $7.4 Billion investment it made in 2009. The non-Open-Source non-GPL non-Free-Software-coffee has officially gone sour. One can just pray, that this will be a […]
why are those data leaks problematic? because scammers and spammers will use this data to even better scam (social engineer) the affected users that is why it is essential to give those platforms (if the user needs them) as little […]
computers are no way perfect: the rise of the machines: who is scared of killer robots? who is scared of doctors, judges and police blindly trusting in AI and computer output? “we are driving in (heavy) rain right now with […]
“floating point arithmetic is considered an esoteric subject by many people” (src: What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating Point Arithmetic – David Goldberg 1991.pdf) some even do “transcendental calculations” (src) make no mistake: computer make mistakes too! not […]
2012: Die FritzFax Software läuft gut unter Win XP. 2020: Die altbewährte und gut gemachte FritzFax software, welche 2012 so wunderbar ihren Dienst verrichtet hat, funktioniert, trotz gegenteiliger Aussage von Support und Internet… nicht. Die Software lies sich auf 3x […]
# become root su – root; # rpm based yum install nmap # apt based apt install nmap # find snmp enabled devices # (UDP port 161, can not be tested with telnet (can only do TCP)) nmap -sU -p […]
scroll down for ENGLISH: ) OMG! Da die IT von Baltimore sich einen Ransome-Virus eingefangen hat, können die Bürger ihre Steuern und ihre Blitzer-Tickets nicht zahlen! Wunderbar! 🙂 Mit welchem Aufwand man rechnen muss, wenn man sich von der Digitalisierung […]
“The Automatic Bug Reporting Tool, commonly abbreviated as ABRT, consists of the abrtd daemon and a number of system services and utilities to process, analyze, and report detected problems. The daemon runs silently in the background most of the time, […]
long story short: “The Year 2038 problem is where the Unix time can no longer be stored in a signed 32-bit integer and thus after 19 January 2038 will begin wrapping around as a negative number for representing the number […]
with security there is no “done” it can be clearly seen that: the amounts of it-security problems is increasing of course there is no 100% security with state-actors playing “hot” “cold war” in cyberspace private-spy-companies developing exploits that then leak […]
2020-12: another reason why JavaScript SUCKS badly and websites NEED TO WORK without JS: it might “destroy” NAT security: NAT Slipstreaming allows an attacker to remotely access any TCP/UDP service bound to a victim machine, bypassing the victim’s NAT/firewall (arbitrary […]
Update: 2018.04 the cameras could not see the lane’s properly because the lane paint has worn off… what algorithm is going to fix this? believe me or not – doing self driving car’s is almost as complex and difficult to […]
Update: 2018.12: ForeShadow – guest reading Level1 Cache of host ForeShadow (known as L1 Terminal Fault (L1TF) by Intel)[1][2] is a vulnerability that affects modern microprocessors that was first discovered by two independent teams of researchers in January 2018, but […]
here he is Mr Poettering in 2014 explaining systemd and why it ought to be soooo complex. with all decision making, it should be rational and fact and reason based and then stick to it (aka systemA boots faster than […]
“The Unix Philosophy in One Lesson” “All the philosophy really boils down to one iron law, the hallowed ‘KISS principle’ of master engineers everywhere:” “Keep It Simple, Stupid” or “Keep It Super Simple” (less offensive) The Unix philosophy emphasizes building […]
ich wollte mal wissen, wie steht es eigentlich um die Security auf Technologie / Programmiersprachen-Ebene? D.h. welche Programmiersprachen machen es einem schwer vs. einfach sichere Software zu schreiben? Natürlich kann man in jeder Programmiersprache angreifbare Projekte entwickeln… das ist kein […]
this could be because for some f*** reason it can only delete like 100 users at a time… so if you want to delete more than 300 users it won’t do anything. this is another pain in the f*** ass […]
DDoS attacks are nasty stuff. Even such simple programs as – autobench – Automates the benchmarking of web servers using httperf – can sufficiently choke a webserver by spawning hundreds and thousands of mysql processes – exhausting all resources of […]
interesting example, for comparison (e.g. in TextWrangler (OSX)): procedural: [cc lang=”php” escaped=”true” width=”500″] ‘Tom’, ‘job’ => ‘Button-Pusher’, ‘age’ => 34 ); $person2 = array( ‘name’ => ‘John’, ‘job’ => ‘Lever-Puller’, ‘age’ => 41 ); // Output the starting values for […]
javascript jquery html form element – also submit checkboxes that have the “off” state solution: [cc lang=”js” escaped=”true” width=”500″] // serialize form, also send values for checkboxes that are “off” $(form).children().each(function() { add = “”; //access to form element via […]
Whenever a BitCoin-exchange is hacked it lowers people’s trust in the BitCoin system making the prices for BitCoins go down. Then probably come up again 😀 But there is no such thing as “perfect software” so this time it’s a […]
When Windows goes out of RAM… things get slow… when Apple goes out of RAM things get “sluggish”… (you really can almost see the cursor stutter) I really don’t know what happened… okay i loaded my 50MB TODO List (it’s […]
Source: “RAID 5 is seriously affected by the general trends regarding array rebuild time and chance of failure during rebuild.[56] In August 2012, Dell posted an advisory against the use of RAID 5 in any configuration and of RAID 50 with “Class […]
windows 7 throws away some good concepts of windows xp, so does windows 8 with windows 7. quo vadis microsoft? your emphasize selling over satisfied customers. how does this work? here is how you can re-enable this feature: r-click on […]
every f**** virus program is capable of doing updates in the “background”…. why not flash player? 1. download in background 2. wait for all browser windows to close (at some day of time they will) 3. then tell […]