video2brain – webedition – create a news and archiv area explaining objects and arbeitsbereiche / workspaces
video2brain – webEdition explaining master=frame slave=content template
# webEdition needs some .htaccess magic to make SEO-optimized but physical-not-existing urls/files like /de/rezensionen/2012/jan-k.html accessable RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /webEdition/redirectSEOurls.php [L] ErrorDocument 404 /webEdition/redirectSEOurls.php
[cc lang=”html” escaped=”true” width=”500″] Ein Objekt der Klasse 5 durch den Redakteur auswählen lassen und anzeigen Text und Autor des Newseintrages ausgeben
[cc lang=”html” escaped=”true” width=”500″] o Eine Liste aller Rezensionsobjekte (Klassen ID 5) o in der Reihenfolge wie diese veröffentlicht wurden order=”we_published”, alternative: zufällige reihenfolge: order=”random()” o mit der in webEdition ausgewählten sprache (languages=”top”) o ein button welcher auf das Objekt […]
to install an app in webedition you will have to: 1. ssh-wget download / or ftp upload the app to the webEdition/apps folder. (do not unpack it / the apps / the *.tgz) you can download the available (currently only […]
the default editor of webedition is a plain text editor… which works nice… but has no features. you can actually choose between 3 editors in webedition, i would go for CodeMirror2 which has syntax highlighting and autocomplete of webedition tags. […]
Tastenkombinationen (Shortcuts) Dokumente, Vorlagen, Objekte, Klassen Beschreibung Tastenkombination Speichern Strg + S Veröffentlichen Strg + Shift + S Schließe Dokument Strg + F4 / Strg + W Dialoge Beschreibung Tastenkombination Bestätigen Strg + Enter Abbrechen/Schließen Escape Credits / Source:
You can specify a time – when a certain document should be published! wow! I am not shure if Joomla can do that! (wordpress can do that too) 😀 in Typo3 you can set start and stop dates… another nice […] In diesem Bereich finden Sie die webEdition-Versionshistorie zur Version 6.Hinweis: Wir empfehlen die Deaktivierung des Caches in allen derzeitigen WE-Versionen aus folgenden Gründen: Der derzeitige Cache weist konzeptionelle Probleme auf, die praktisch irreparabel sind Er verlangsamt viel Sites statt […]
if you want to update / migrate to new version: i would use the live-update over backup-old-version and restore-on-new-version. But test this first on a local php xdebug test-server! (manually ftp / mysql copy all files / databases to your […]
you can have a working subscribe / unsubscribe mechanism with the customer module / kundenverwaltung. this script will generate an activation-link and send an mail each time you subscribe / unsubscribe, to enshure that it is you subscribing yourself and not […]
hier inkludiert webEdition die via template generierte website.php webEdition/we/include/we_classes/ include ($we_include);
example code: how to manually access the database of webEdition. wo speichert webEdition Datenbank Zugangsdaten? Where does webEdition save database credentials username password? vim /var/www/webEdition/we/include/conf/ so setzt webEdition mysql queries ab: Beispiel: we_listview_object.class.php $this->DB_WE->query($q); oder auch hier: [cc lang=”php” escaped=”true” […]
the log file for the backup process can be found here: there is a general error log here: where are the log entries stored? in the database: i hope you have access to your database via phpMyAdmin webEdition […]
Eigene MySQL Queries abschicken: man muss noch den pfad zur ändern, datenbank benutzername und passwort und server… dann kann man diese zeile ändern und eigene (am besten durch phpmyadmin getestete) abfragen abschicken: $query = “SELECT * FROM `tblFile` WHERE […]
if you try to restore a webEdition backup and it keeps doing nothing (no harddisk, network activity = stuck) try to uncheck as much as possible in the “Restore-Options / Wiederherstellungs-Optionen” … well unfortunately… things kept “hanging” during rebuild.
in german please if you have installed webEdition into the root directory (mine is /var/www) the backups should be here: /var/www/webEdition/we_backup/data if you have trouble with the java uploader, you can manually upload your backups into the we_backup/data directory and […]
Flashplayer Update … Java Update … Firefox Update… Windows XP zerlegt sich selbst mit seinen 1000 Mini-Updates… OSX “rationalisiert” sinnvolle Features (Preview kann kein GIF mehr) weg… IPhone und Android Phones zerstören sich selbst… nach update…. … alle paar Wochen, […]
In webEdition 6.2.7 (in newer versions this might be fixed) this does not work: <we:ifField name=”Archiv” type=”checkbox” match=”0″ operator=”equal”> but this workaround works: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <we:charset defined=”UTF-8″>UTF-8</we:charset> </head> <body> <we:listview type=”object” classid=”4″> <we:repeat> <we:ifField name=”Archiv” type=”checkbox” match=”1″ operator=”less”> […]
1. determine the ID of the class by hovering with the mouse over the class 2. change the classid of the listview in this template. 3. this line inside the listview-repeat does the magic trick: <?php echo p_r($GLOBALS[“lv”]); ?> <!DOCTYPE […]
1. create a new class with the name “news” 2. for the first field you choose Typ: Datum / Date … you add more fields (e.g. TextArea) … save the class and create a new object. 3. fill object with […]