here are the latest privacy terms: privacy ÄT spacex DDDOTT com one fine day, DNS stopped working. the reason this time was NOT on the server-side, but on the Google side, blocking all DNS servers that are NOT google. […]
0) for security: keep all internet connected devices as up to date as possible! “Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices” (src: Also […]
every user want’s a fast & responsive internet. BIND and DNS – the Phonebook of the internet – Berkeley Internet Name Domain – how to benchmark dns servers (find fastest) – LibreDNS There is nothing more anoying than slow loading […]
DNS servers are the “yellow pages” “phone book” of the internet. whoever is running DNS servers get’s to know all queries send (what client is requesting and probably connecting to what address… basically: what websites the user have visited, this […]
SecurityLab, [14.07.20 15:35] The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) has unveiled a new database demonstrating how and where us law enforcement agencies use tracking technologies. A map of the use of tracking technologies in the United States is presented ( SecurityLab, […] While “backdoors” in hardware sound like a good idea… you don’t know how hackers are using it to sabotage infrastructure or extort bitcoins of another country’s companies… see “backdoor in cisco router“. IT IS F**** DANGEROUS! ESPECIALLY if […]
i use (ixquick) more than google… but i realized today, that for example but also a lot of other domains seem to be blocked by OpenDNS? Resulting in this strange error? the reason for blocking “” but not […]
basically the advanced version of PiHole. WARNING! THIS IS not a complete OPNSense / PFSense tutorial it is rather just to get started. right now, one is (still) using iptables without any gui. there seems to be a lot of […]