When comparing **MariaDB**, **PostgreSQL**, and **MongoDB**, it’s important to understand that these three database systems differ significantly in their architectures, data models, features, and use cases. Here’s a detailed comparison to help highlight the key distinctions: ### 1. **Database Type […]
login to mysql: su – root; list all available databases: # login & send command to mysql & logout mysql -u root -e ‘show databases’ -s –skip-column-names # or login mysql -u root -p; # enter command mysql> show databases; […]
the task at hand ought to be a simple one… the user has a data table of some sort (a Excel sheet). and wants only unique data sets (no duplicates) in a certain column theoretically Libre Calc can do that, […]
postgres borrows concepts from mysql (now mariadb) postgres and mariadb are borth great databases, thanks all involved. (how to setup postgres 12 on centos 8 (very very latest)) let’s dive into hit: how to postgres: hostnamectl; # tested on Virtualization: […]
setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]
here are the packages: https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/ # updated: 2021-01 # the guide below is probably outdated # the official current howto https://www.postgresql.org/download/linux/redhat/ # tries to install postgres13 like this: # Install the repository RPM: dnf install -y https://download.postgresql.org/pub/repos/yum/reporpms/EL-8-x86_64/pgdg-redhat-repo-latest.noarch.rpm # Disable the […]
now WITH SPICY COMMENTS X-D SecurityLab, [22.12.19 12:40] A Twitter user using the alias 08Tc3wBB created tfp0-an exploit that allows you to jailbreak the latest iPhone models with IOS 13.3. The functionality of the exploit has already been confirmed by […]
yes, it is NOT the most convenient, query you could imagine. UPDATE `table_name` SET `column_name` = REPLACE(`column_name`, ‘replace_this’, ‘with_this’) WHERE `column_name` LIKE ‘%with_this%’ COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; it is what phpmyadmin generates when you go here:
docker exec -it -u postgres example-db psql; # login interactively SELECT * FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE datname = ‘example’; # check open connections to database example # (there shall be none, otherwise you can not drop the database) SELECT pg_terminate_backend (pg_stat_activity.pid) […]
this guide is abit outdated… If you need XDebug + Eclipse look here (allows step-debugging of your php code very very nice 🙂 . (slightly more complicated setup) lighttpd is “just as good” as apache2 – except – it does […]
DDoS attacks are nasty stuff. Even such simple programs as – autobench – Automates the benchmarking of web servers using httperf – can sufficiently choke a webserver by spawning hundreds and thousands of mysql processes – exhausting all resources of […]
Jeder kennt Steve Jobs (now dead) – aber wer kennt schon “Larry” Ellison? 😀 Oracle hat 2010 die Firma “Sun Microsystem aufgekauft” und damit OpenSource Technologie wie Java, VirtualBox und MySQL eingekauft. Lawrence Joseph “Larry” Ellison (born August 17, 1944) […]
this applies to : Linux 3.16.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.16.36-1+deb8u2 (2016-10-19) x86_64 GNU/Linux) cat /etc/debian_version 8.6 PHP Version 5.6.28-0+deb8u1 Linux debian home tmp sess can accumulate a lot of files… they stem from mysql but also from php sessions. the […]
it’s very strange error and don’t ask me how it happened. but you should try any of those steps: [cc lang=”bash” escaped=”true” width=”600″] #1) this might be a bug (you can NOT call this a feature) in phpmyadmin a temporary […]
backing up a mysql or mariadb database can be done with mysqldump. imho i would backup the whole database, but i would also advise to backup every database seperately, so you can restore them separately, if you maybe do not […]
mysql -u root -e ‘show databases’ -s –skip-column-names
login to local database mysql -u username -p; # connect to MySQL-Server@localhost, it will ask you for password login to a remote database mysql -u username -h your-server.de -p; # connect to a remote MySQL-Server@your-server.de, it will ask you for […]
tested with older GNU Linux Debian7 3.2.0-4-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 3.2.46-1+deb7u1 x86_64 GNU/Linux in any case you need to stop current mysql operation: # become root su – root /etc/init.d/mysql stop; # stop mysql service # if that did not […]
MySQL – Resetting a lost MySQL root password warning this article is rather old and might be (partly) outdated! Article ID: 405 Last updated on August 31, 2012 Authored by: Rackspace Support creditz: http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/mysql-resetting-a-lost-mysql-root-password The MySQL root password allows full […]
login to mysql to see what databases are there. mysql -u root -p mysql> show databases; +———————-+ | Database | +———————-+ | information_schema | | DatabaseXY | | DatabaseXYZ | | mysql | | phpmyadmin | +———————-+ 7 rows in […]
this is the way you can export/backup and import/restore a single/all databases: backup and restore a single database (one by one): mysqldump -u root –password=mysql-root-password database_name > dumpfilename.sql restore: (you will need to find out the password for the mysql-root […]