always the positive first, what wordpress does nicely: [+] it allows users to (more or less) EASILY publish content [+] timely updates are provided [+] in 2024 self hosting wordpress is still possible (but they REALLY want users to use […]
it might be the biggest “cyber” story of the year 2024 already: buy this guy MANY MANY COFFEES! he spotted the problem via know how but also luck 😀 it was a VERY VERY LONG and WILD COMPLEX and HIGHLY […]
scroll down to: “how to access user-dev-admin’s home network boxes from anywhere via reverse-ssh-tunnel! :D” ssh tunnel remote deviceD’s port access a device’s port that is only available via a specific machine 😀 or in other words: ssh-tunnel port of […]
ok this picture is a easy to spot fake, because of it’s quality, but the quality of fakes (pictures AND videos) is getting better and better and better: This is scary shit, because what this means: NO-ONE can effectively believe […]
setup apache2 + python like this. GNU Linux How to setup apache2 + python3 aka a python based test webserver (LAMPy) – how to 100x faster speed python with cython in other words: how to print-output a lot of <html> […]
most recent version 2024-03 is python 3.12 First released: 2023-10-02 End of support: 2028-10 Release schedule: PEP 693 python for automation: So for performance critical tasks python is actual just the “controller” that then calls C or or C++ or […]
Starlink is a cost effective internet-via-satellite provider run by SpaceX at 2024-01 currently (2014-01) counts over x > 2 mio customers SpaceX plans to put 12.000 to 42.000 satellites into Low Earth Orbit (LEO). currently (2024-01) 5289 satellites (Wiki) in […] previously known as the most used second-hand platform in Germany was sold from ebay to an norwegian Investor Adevinta Also “ebay for cars” was sold from ebay to Adevinta. “In June 2020, Adevinta won the bid to […]
Musk grabbed deeply into the Toilet, by wasting Billions on it’s twitter buy, he could have build 100x Twitters from scratch, with this amount of money. Understanding Elon Musk – (the day Elon almost destroyed Tesla by accident) – good […]
the otherwise EXCELLENT (S)FTP client has no per default (GNU Linux) settings for file association. . /usr/bin/pluma %f html /usr/bin/pluma %f txt /usr/bin/pluma %f jpg /usr/bin/gimp %f png /usr/bin/gimp %f bmp /usr/bin/gimp %f webp /usr/bin/gimp %f it is pretty cool, […]
The Flashplayer was a (unfortunately closed source, why not release the source NOW? Adobe? 😀) runtime binary to enhance multimedial capabilites of the browser THE FIRST possibility to stream videos inside the browser (youtube once used flash, now they shifted […]
Hello data travelers, cudos to the project, an excellent fork of Mozilla Firefox (migration is a breeze, even the hotkeys & shortcuts are the same like ALT+D “select address bar”). strange thing: when starting palemoon via mozo (excellent program! […]
Hello data traveler, don’t know about u but imho ads blocking imho is “SELF DEFENSE” against trash for the brain. “show me the src” just in case looking for the same answer, did not figure out, how to blog […]
have to give a HUGHE praise to the Tor Project! just checked and they DO AN EXCELLENT job at keeping the user private the developers who constantly work to make the system better the thousands of volunteering admins that run […] there is also an cross OS offline version but: Security “ Desktop is designed to be completely isolated from the Internet, apart from the update process. This checks at startup for a newer version and downloads it from […]
mass surveillance is real & cencorship is real: Why does Google hate Tor? Because Google is a mass-surveillance AI. And surveillance hates anonymizing networks such as Tor. That’s why the visitor of this website SHOULD donate to Tor and Signal […]
here are the latest privacy terms: privacy ÄT spacex DDDOTT com one fine day, DNS stopped working. the reason this time was NOT on the server-side, but on the Google side, blocking all DNS servers that are NOT google. […]
xmlrpc.php is only in use, if the user uses the wordpress app. if the app is not used, it would be wise to disable this file, because it is frequent target of brute force (trying out a billion passwords) attacks, […]
update: 2023: Ads revenue at down -60% In German there is a saying: “Ein Griff in’s Klo” “A grab in the toilet” “if i am so smart why did i pay so much for twitter then?” (Elon Musk) (nobody […]
“the internet”, “wifi”, all “electronic communication via air and wires” As with all new technologies, Einstein was hopeful, that this new technology will be used for good to bring peace by better understanding between nations and individuals alike. Of course […]
v2 mkdir /root/backups; vim /scripts/ #!/bin/bash # Prompt user for root password read -sp “Enter MySQL root password: ” root_password echo # Get list of databases databases=$(mysql -uroot -p”$root_password” -e “SHOW DATABASES;” | grep -Ev “(Database|information_schema|performance_schema|mysql)”) for db in $databases; […]
Pro: schneller Techniker vor Ort wenn man Business Kunde ist Con: katastrophaler kompetenz & service egal ob am Telefon oder vor Ort beim ersten Anruf bei der Nicht-Business Hotline, tatsächlich schnell jemand erreicht mit dem Hinweis: Er sei der falsche, […]
here is hugo recommended by a user, so have to look at it installing it for GNU Linux Debian users is as easy as: (no need for snap or brew) lsb_release -d; # tested on Description: Debian GNU/Linux 11 […]
What is interesting, that 33% of all website creators, decide to not use any CMS at all (static HTML/manually editing it). there is even a trend of creating cms inside wordperss, “cms inside the cms” so to speak, with plugins […]
WARNING! AUTOMATE BACKUP BEFORE AUTOMATE UPDATE-UPGRADE! While keeping WordPress including its plugins and themes up to date on a daily basis is a important thing to avoid beeing hacked and abused to spread malware, it must be said, that automating […]
let’s face it: the internet has become a gigantic surveillance machine, with hundreds of private companies, trying to collect as much data on the user as possible in order to “predict the market” while also using with AI to analyze […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
0) for security: keep all internet connected devices as up to date as possible! “Freifunk updates its router firmware and closes a critical security vulnerability that could allow attackers to install their own firmware on the devices” (src: Also […]
will be redone soon
what is great about books vs blogs? (+) paper books don’t need electricity and hightech to function. energy grid and tcp networks (up to now) have worked pretty reliably, but at any given day, a massive solar flare or a […]