Category: OSX / Apple / Steve Jobbs

Steve Jobs would puke about what Apple has become – iMac 2019 horror reinstall – why this user avoids Apple like the PLAGUE – how to fix – this copy OSX application is damaged and can’t be used to install macOS – Diese Version des Programms ist beschädigt kann nicht für die Installation von macOS verwendet werden

#wtheseriousf? It used to “just work” “seamlessly”, now read the “HORRORS” of reinstalling a only 4 year old iMac (2019) that Apple just does not care about anymore. (just reinstalled  LATEST 2023 Debian 12 on a 17 year old lenovo […]

Has mankind lost it’s ability to learn?

Let me be frank. Once upon the time, was a Windows user. Then was happy to have to use OSX for a transition to GNU Linux. But once on GNU Linux (Debian) do not miss neither Windows nor OSX at […]

What is Right – What is Wrong – with great powers comes great responsibility (aka the “Peter-Parker-principle” (Spiderman 2002)) – Big Tech with better and betters Tools and without better Ethics Morals unkowing what is Right or Wrong

in short: humans per default, without an education might just be “better” apes. Some parts of mankind behave very primitive and clearly show no signs of higher intelligence or education. The troubles start, when the tools become more and more […]

Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership

Apple wants to become the new Google: BigBadBoldBigDataMothership why more developers should chose GPL to publish programs: as a once proud Apple user… (yes GNU Linux Debian 10 actually runs pretty well on the Intel-Macbook-Pros) yes they are beautiful spies… […]

Monolithic Hybrid Micro Nano Kernel OS and examples

Why Hybrid? “Most hybrid kernels start as monolithic kernels and begin moving components into user land, primarily as security to support 3rd-party components and drivers which may be malicious or buggy. An example of a hybrid kernel design may keep […]

Die Vermessung des Patienten: Wem gehören meine Gesundheitsdaten? – Warum es immer weniger Ärzte und Arztpraxen in Deutschland geben wird und das Gesundheitssystem immer schlechter wird – Measuring the patient: who owns my health data? Why there will be fewer and fewer doctors and medical practices in Germany and the health system will get worse and worse

Update: 2021-05: Drei Krankheiten: erfolgreich kaputt gespart: schlechte Bezahlung: im Vergleich mit anderen EU-Ländern und auch USA steht Deutschland schlecht da was die Entlohnung von Ärzte an geht auch schlechter als Japan und gar Italien (!) das ist vermutlich […]

1984 mass surveillance: for a better world? – trust – mass surveillance – and why is there so much violence on TV? – the trust problem between gov and citizens needs to be addressed – Trump to end all encryption? – short version summary of 1984

scroll down and behave! (slaves of digital dictatorships) short version summary of 1984: short version: 1984 needs to be avoided at any cost. because: it is evil. (Google did not drop it’s motto “don’t be evil” for nothing) in essence: […]

RedHat podcasts – season 1 episode 1 – The OS wars
15.01.2020 direct link: by: Tweets by saronyitbarek  

iphone ipad – change Relocate backup location

On computers with SSD system drives any iOS device backups can take up a significant proportion of the available space. iTunes doesn’t provide a mechanism for choosing where this backup data is stored, but it can be relocated onto another […]


most people will probably use a usb cable to iphone<->PC/Laptop<->USB-Stick. But can it be done iphone<->USB-Stick? Apple’s devices do NOT come with a file explorer per default. which sucks. So you will have to rely on the quality of 3rd […]

Steve Job’s Last words – Sister’s homage

“Steve’s final words were: OH WOW. OH WOW. OH WOW.” I grew up as an only child, with a single mother. Because we were poor and because I knew my father had emigrated from Syria, I imagined he looked like […]

Mumble Plumble – how to make Audio Calls and Conversations – private secure and free (OpenSource) – Android v10 support with Mumla App

2021: update! the old Mumble App (Plumble) does not work well with Android v10 and higher. luckily, someone made an updated version called “Mumla”: backup: (sha512sum: e3d9f366a1c3895e24c051a96f6114a30d89713e3098de77a7716ff9187b0b47db58b98eaca3386ddfd09433cd3f1a3aa5a1e29043cb9d40cb280d966852b42e) (tested and works with LineageOS 17 / Android 10) what is great […]


… das ist deswegen, weil man wenigstens ein zuverlässiges Gerät braucht (auf welchem so gut wie keine Software installiert ist, nur das nötigste), welches zuverlässig die E-Mails abruft und einen relativ sicher im Internet surfen lässt und auch so “einfache” Dinge […]