Category: eclipse / IDE / Dev

GNU Linux review best git gui 2024 comparison – how to setup and git clone a repo via ssh with SmartGit – how to use with eclipse – how to automatically git pull download refresh repo with latest changes before editor gui ide start?

git is a complex source code repository management system that completely relies on file transactions this means: there is no running service or open port (except if git-over-ssh is used, all it needs for network multi developer cooperation is a […]

how to setup basic LAMP stack GNU Linux Debian – (Apache2 php7.3 MariaDB) (how to install xdebug – step debugging php requests in eclipse pdt on debian 10 buster (LAMP web development stack)) – how to enable mariadb mysql log file creation logging (also restarts) – how to Error occurred: (1034, “Index for table ‘proc’ is corrupt; try to repair it”)

setup LAMP GNU-Linux Apache2 MariaDB PHP7.3 su – root; # become root apt update; # update system to latest apt upgrade; # database first apt install mariadb-server mariadb-client # set root pwd for database (can be root on dev test […]

RUST – most loved programming language ever – C++ with safety – new programming language from Mozilla for Mozilla and Safety – now also with step debugging

is Rust safer than C/C++? “show me the src” DebConf 2019: Why would a python programmer learn rust when there are no jobs in it “This means no matter what language you use, the only safe way […]


Dylan Beattie ?? ‏@dylanbeattie Feb 16 Learning to code is an essential skill in the modern world. Here’s a handy diagram showing you how to get started. that’s what i really liked about Adobe Flex Builder… it was based on […]


and don’t know what it is about simple things that hackers find so complicated 😀 so how do you import an existing project into eclipse? in older/almost any version of eclipse: THERE IS NO IMPORT 😀 (!? WHAT? YES THERE […]