Hetzner is already doing it with very energy efficient Ampere ARM servers delivering world-class-cost-and-energy-saving-virtual-servers. (Gigabyte has them as well UNTESTED!) #SuperCharge #IT processes with #OpenSource + #GNU #Linux (call it #GNU #Linux and give the dude that wrote gcc some […]
OF COURSE Dennis Ritchie is the father of C. (An appreciation of the late Dennis Ritchie) (src of the src) Ken Thompson: “was writing FORTRAN in TMG” “when it finally got down to 4k, called it B“ “B and C were […]
Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-150-millionen-us-dollar-sollen-open-source-absichern-2205-165382.html https://www.golem.de/news/openssf-linux-foundation-will-security-praxis-vereinheitlichen-2008-150036.html src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: https://openssf.org/blog/2022/05/11/testimony-to-the-us-house-committee-on-science-and-technology/ 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]
will be redone soon
# will open file:///home/user/.rustup/toolchains/stable-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/share/doc/rust/html/std/index.html in browser rustup doc –std which looks like: of course there is an online version: https://doc.rust-lang.org/std/
what is great about C? the simplicity of the compiler that just run’s anywhere still THE most resource efficient language with C the user does not have to buy a new computer every 3 years, because of updates slowing down […]
“Basically, rust-gdb is a wrapper that loads external Python pretty-printing scripts into GDB. This is useful (and somewhat necessary) when debugging more complex Rust programs because it significantly improves the display of Rust data types.” (src) what the developer has […]