scroll down to: “how to access user-dev-admin’s home network boxes from anywhere via reverse-ssh-tunnel! :D”

ssh tunnel remote deviceD’s port

access a device’s port that is only available via a specific machine 😀

or in other words:

ssh-tunnel port of deviceD that is connected only to pcB to localhost:8080 of pcA

on the local lan:

    • there is a deviceD, but it’s not ssh capable but has a web interface on port 80 for example a printer
    • the deviceD is only accessible via pcB because they are both behind a firewall-router (also deviceD is very old and explosing ports of devices that are very old (EoL = out of security update maintenance) ain’t a good idea)


  • in this UseCase pcB is the proxy to deviceD
  • open a TCP port on firewall-router to forward this to pcB
  • pcA establishes a ssh connection to pcB that effectively tunnels port 80 of deviceD to localhost:8080 of pcA
  • allowing direct access of deviceD:80 via localhost:8080 of pcA

sounds like magic?

let’s go:

# step1 on pcA) connect through firewall-router to pcB
ssh -L 8080:ip.of.deviceD:80 user@ip.of.firewall.router
# or if there is no firewall-router
ssh -L 8080:ip.of.deviceD:80 user@ip.of.pcB
# leave terminal open
# step2 also on pcA) open browser and go to http://localhost:8080
fox http://localhost:8080

# the web interface of deviceD should show up :)

more crazy ssh magic: how to access user-dev-admin’s home network boxes from anywhere via reverse-ssh-tunnel! 😀

  • pcA and pcB are connected to the internet
  • but there is no open ports on any firewall-router and for security reasons there shall not be any open ports
  • but there is a normal OpenSSH enabled SRVER (SRV) somewhere on the internet


  • pcA “client” will connect via SRV (proxy1) to pcB (proxy2) and even open a vnc viewer session to see pcB’s desktop
  • this is basically the a bit tricky open source’s admin’s replacement for teamviewer 😀
  • sounds like magic?
  • get a vm server somwhere
  • make sure there is “username” on pcA, pcB and SRV and ssh keys allow fast and easy login from pcA and pcB to SRV

let’s go:

  • on SRV:

    • ssh into SRV and monitor what’s going on
    • apt install net-tools; # install netstat
      while true; do netstat -tulpn; sleep 1; clear; done;
  • on pcB:

    • setup vnc server
    • apt install autossh
    • open a terminal (1) run this and keep it open:
    • # in order to keep the connection from pcB to SRV alive
      # allow remote reverse-ssh access to ssh port of pcB
      su -c 'autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -fN -T -R 20002:localhost:22 user@ip.of.srv -p22' user
      # if everything works, there will be no output
      # allow remote reverse-ssh access to 5900 (VNC) port of pcB
      su -c 'autossh -M 0 -o "ServerAliveInterval 30" -o "ServerAliveCountMax 3" -fN -T -R 20003:localhost:5900 user@ip.of.srv -p22' user


    • # also here if everything works, there will be no output
    • the only visible output is onSRV this should be:
    • Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       PID/Program name    
      tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      14704/sshd: user    
      tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      14745/sshd: user
  • on pcA:

    • apt install tigervnc-viewer
    • open a terminal(1) run this and leave it open
      • ssh -N -p22 -L 20002: user@ip.of.srv
    • open another terminal(2)
      • ssh -p20002 user@

        The authenticity of host ‘[]:20002 ([]:20002)’ can’t be established.
        ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:78e90f78d9f7d…
        This host key is known by the following other names/addresses:
        ~/.ssh/known_hosts:72: [hashed name]
        Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
        Warning: Permanently added ‘[]:20002’ (ED25519) to the list of known hosts.
        user@’s password:

      • # hurray! 🙂 response! 🙂 user dev admin shall now be able to ssh-login-to pcB from pcA via SRV 🙂
    • open another terminal(3) run this and leave it open

      • ssh -N -p22 -L 20003: user@ip.of.srv
    • open another terminal(4)
      • # then it should be possible to connect to vnc server like this 🙂
        vncviewer localhost:20003

hurray it works 🙂
won’t be 100 FPS but it works 🙂

this means: access user-dev-admin’s home network boxes from anywhere! 😀

script it

vim /scripts/

echo "=== tunneling local port 20002 for ssh port 22 access of ubuntu ==="
ssh -N -p22 -L 20002: username@ip.of.srv &

echo "=== tunneling local port 20003 for vnc port 5900 access of ubuntu ==="
ssh -N -p22 -L 20003: username@ip.of.srv &

echo "... keep this terminal(1) open, open a new terminal(2)"

echo "... in terminal(2) to connect to remote hosts ssh type: ssh -v -p 20002 username@"
echo "... and start a vnc server on port 5900"
echo "... in terminal(3) to connect to remote hosts vnvserver: vncviewer localhost:20003"
echo "... alternatively on headless server: install xpra on server and client and use terminal(4) like this xpra start ssh/username@ --start-child=firefox"
echo "too start a gui program on server but show it's output on local client :) *ssh*magic*"


but that is temporary?

in order to make pcB accessible permanently it would be required to start the autossh on boot

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