Crysis 1 – was not only – another shooter – it had a unique idea: what if one had a suite – like Iron Man? (why is there no Iron Man game? oh hang on … there is one)
What the Crytek CEO does not understand:
- violence and beautiful grafix (they sure have! Crysis 1 released in 2007, they are still pretty) alone does not make a good game.
- there are good games that one can play alone… (like all those campaign shooters Crysis 1 or Half Life 1 and 2)
- but always: its more fun to meet up and play with your friends online: (if that is not too expensive, comes with a central server (anything else probably won’t work) and is no vpn-hazzle to set up)
- What is a very important element for me in a game: does it have an (online/split-screen) coop mode?
- Can multiple humans play against waves of computer AIs? (because AIs tend to be not as emotional at losing than humans, trust me, one knows how emotional humans can get when losing at Mario Kart… one won’t believe it).
- but always: its more fun to meet up and play with your friends online: (if that is not too expensive, comes with a central server (anything else probably won’t work) and is no vpn-hazzle to set up)
- a good game has:
- fun and unique concept
- think of: Tetris
- think of: Mario Kart
- think of: Minecraft (never actually played that a lot… but heard it has a split screen mode but no “real” online coop mode? ? but it does not have quests or anything?)
- do not only think of shooters
- well done controls/handling/steering (it is very important, one reason why ONE HATES ASSASSIN’S CREED and uninstalled it after 10minutes of playing… it is pretty violent… but THE REAL HORROR are the steering/controls… one does not have the feeling of full control of the character… which makes it tedious and frustrating)
- the grafix do not have to be “OVER THE TOP”
- physics should be at least not completely ridiculous X-D (stuff behaving completely abnormal, stuff stuck in stuff X-D)
- fun and unique concept
games one enjoyed a lot:
- BLOBBY VOLLEY! X-D (superb fun two player volleyball with two pudding blobs on the beach! X-D again key: superb controls and physics of the ball X-D)
- now in the cross-os javascript/web based online MULTIPLAYER version! (nice job)
- may it be Open Source and online for ever!
- Need for Speed 1
(coop street racing against AIs and realistic crash physics! Yeah!)
- (actually the only youtube video found for Need for Speed 1)
- had the two player split screen campaign – playing against computer AI 🙂 whatever player wins both win! HURRAY! 🙂 (that’s how it is supposed to be)
- it had SUPERIOR physics simulation and sometimes the crashing was just as fun as the winning of a race
- Tetris: (action block sorting game! invented in Russia! The first computer game ever? now comes to your bash terminal!)
- its just great
- even more fun in versus multiplayer X-D
- Halo 1 and 2 ( coop humans fight aliens shooter but second player can be an alien too X-D)
- was nice the jeep and again: playing a campaign COOP 🙂
- “the flood” was a creepy completely unnecessary “Zombie” element in this space shooter – why DO THERE ALWAYS HAVE TO BE ZOMBIES? SERIOUSLY?
- Golden Eye 007 on N64 (2x player coop shooter plus 4x player versus battle split screen! “LET’S MEET IN THE TOILET!”)
- again has the coop split screen campaign mode 🙂 for two players
- Kerbal Space Program: (build space ships and even airplanes and test their abilities … will one make it to orbit?)
- a coop mode / multiplayer mode would be nice (there will be in Kerbal 2? NICE!)
- like competition: who makes it faster into orbit, or just board the same vessel together? X-D (but who does what?)
- or like mass online “Sim City” RPG! X-D
- VERY VERY FUNNY Space exploration game with realistic physics
- some people even try to simulate reality with it! wonder if SpaceX uses it as well? X-D
- imho the campaign is a little TOO HARD (or one is just a space noob)
- also got confused… saving one’s ships – while overwriting the campaign (start over) DELETES THE SHIPS! NOOOOOOO! (will have to redo the ships as well… this sucks)
Earth is MAGNIFICENT! What one did not know: because the MÜN has NO ROTATION … there is 24-7 EARTH-SET (Earth stays at it’s position over the horizon)
- a coop mode / multiplayer mode would be nice (there will be in Kerbal 2? NICE!)
- Crysis 1 (a shooter with a super suite)
- unique ideas for a shooter with the Super-Suite and it’s 4 modes: stealth (almost invisible) strong (fall off tall cliffs throw stuff far) fast (run fast obviously) armor (default mode)
- again: a coop mode would have rocked… 🙁
- interesting twist: “the (north) Koreans are the bad guys – but the ALIENS are even worse!” (why not unite?) and one get’s to fight them in Zero G! X-D
- pretty nice physics when it comes to cars and houses (sometimes it’s a bit messed up… things get stuck in things X-D)
here come a few screenshots: Crysis 1 – revisited with a better GPU X-D

spoiler alert: end boss defeated… if it does not lock on… simply reload the last quicksave… it’s a BUG!
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