update: 2023-08 software support wise that 32bit ARMv7 xu4 SoC has aged EXTREMELY WELL 😀 thanks all involved! (check prices on ebay) here is the “official” ArmBian (Debian 12 “bookworm” for ARM) image for the odroid xu4 “inofficial” Debian 12 […]
cool apt-get install fortune cowsay; # will have to be installed first then you can let your dinosaur speak 😀 /usr/games/cowsay -f stegosaurus “Hello World” _____________ < Hello World > ————- \ . . \ / `. .’ ” […]
Side-Scrolling shooters were a classic – back in the times – when individuals or a handful of guys could actually bring their creative ideas to live – and create a video game in few weeks. (no multi-million 3d grafix, just […]
not it’s not dead. but they started ANOTHER GAME “Squadron 42” that is not finished yet X-D wich was planned to be released in 2014… GUY C’MON!?!?!? 8 YEARS DELAY? THIS MUST BE WORLD RECORD FOR MOST DELAYED VIDEO GAME […]
Some game mag titled it “GTA on Mars” – well i guess that kind of nails it, because in Part 3 “TerraForming” is not possible any more… just “buildings” not mountains. I loved RedFaction1 and RedFaction2 (in this two titles […]
Mir ist zwar nicht genau klar inwiefern sich die Lernergebnisse auf JavaScript, Java und C++ dann anwenden lassen… aber ein kreativer Umgang mit der Technologie und direkte optisches Feedback sind jedenfalls wichtig um die Motivation beim Programmieren nicht verstummen zu […]
Looks pretty cool 🙂 But not playable on mobile 🙂 ? Argh :-p http://pacman.shaunew.com/play/
I WANT TO DO MORE GAMES 🙂 But so far the only game i have done (in two days in FLASH :-D) is MULTIPLAYER: PONG! Player1: Cursor Up/Down Player2: W / S I think i have to REDO in JavaScript […]
gameplay wise, this game was crap (they simply wanted to make a quick buck with the E.T. frenchise, WHAT A SHAME!) but anyways X-D
Why do the most useless projects get the most funding? don’t get me wrong… i am not envying anyone… i am just asking questions: Why do projects that you play 5min then dump in the trash causes people to donate […]
does it make sense to port desktop games to the browser? … if we really get bandwidths like heck… then maybe… otherwise it will stay the buy downloadable-setup, install… update, update process. Here are two examples, both are using WebGL, […]
true cross os 3d Benchmark? o a bit older: those are rare Tomb Raider Aztec ruins: https://www.techspot.com/downloads/7482-gfxbench.html cats + lasers: it’s called catzilla 😀 but it’s unfortunately only for windows download it here to jump directly to the right position […]
Das wirklich geniale an dem Spiel: Steuerung und Physik sind in Ordnung – man hat das Gefühl einen sich relativ realistisch verhaltenden also “echten” Wagen zu fahren…. welcher driftet… quietscht und raucht… und beim Sprung über die Rampe sich realistisch […]
So what is actually so great about iwar? 1. controls + physics – because of the inertia (taking seconds to accelerate, then drifting) you have the feeling of steering a really large ship. Also the docking-manouveres are genious! 2. Details […]