what it is:
- it is a very detailed, tedious, noice physics, nice graphics voxel based build-stuff space, universe and planets simulation
- not like kerbal space program but equally tricky
- so definitely more aimed at the tech savvy engineer than at the casual gamer
imho SpaceEngineers would be VERY VERY great with
- multi-player (AWESOME!!!????) campaigns
- there is a basic intro level with a story, computer AIs and pre build ships! AWESOME!
- why is there only ONE LEVEL of this AWESOMENESS?
- AI buddy to help out getting started how to build stuff
- a basic mining robot from the start
what it is not:
- it IS NOT a fast paced first person shooter action game
- it is a rather tedious simulator (survival mode, creative mode + blueprints might be different story, but not many servers use creative mode)
- those server universes are pretty lonesome: never met a single other player online X-D (this big is this world)
- it IS BUGGY:
- if something such as a “basic refinery” “basic assembler” AIN’T WORKING IT COULD BE VERY WELL BE A BUG that will need to make the player “start all over again” X-D (until it works, which is absolutely time consuming and thus frustrating)
- this game exists for 3 years, but because of it’s complexity (!?) imho it is STILL full of bugs X-D
the game is quiet pretty…
hardware requirements?
and the GTX 1050 is reaching it’s limits (but could also be the CPU) https://www.ebay.de/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=GTX+1050&_sacat=0&rt=nc&LH_BIN=1
why is basic refinery not working
… even if it does not says so, maybe it needs more power, try placing wind turbine higher, or build more wind turbines or solar panels
how to recharge jet pack hydrogen fuel
why is basic assembler not working?
about the game:
Space Engineers “Survival Mode” is the real hardcore space nerd “shit”.
the story goes like this: the player is a lonesome engineer somewhere in the universe… with a very very small hand drill… the engineer ought to harvest enough resources basically “manually by hand” to actually have enough resources to actually build “something” X-D (in the best case – a SpaceShip)
… as this already hints on… it is a lot of work and takes a long long long very long time X-D
(there are no default mining robots or ships… unless the player builds one)
there is also a “CreativeMode” where resources are endless.
- first of (always say something positive):
- (+) the game uses voxel technology (as Minecraft does)
- so the landscape can be changed by the player COMPLETELY
- (+) it has multiplayer, so it is possible to build stuff with friends
- (+) the possibilities on “what to build” are just as with lego ENDLESS!
- (+) realistic physics simulation
- (+) realistic terrain & sun simulation AMAZING 🙂
- (+) the game uses voxel technology (as Minecraft does)
- the negative:
- (-) it is not a fast paced action game… (maybe Creative Mode + BluePrints + MultiPlayer could do that) but actually a simulation
- (-) this game is already 3 years “old” and so complex, that a lot is simply not “obvious” to the player and thus can result in frustration
- (-) absolutely beginner problem: “the drill” looks very similar to “the welder” while those things do COMPLETELY different things
- the drill is for mining ore and (in general) destroys stuff,
- mining: the drill has two modi:
- Left-Mouse-Button mode lets the player harvest ore
- but only if the player keeps “Cursor-Up” and F pressed while drilling
- “dig only” mode: the Right-Mouse-Button mode simply destroys landscapes X-D (was this really necessary to be put in?)
- Left-Mouse-Button mode lets the player harvest ore
- mining: the drill has two modi:
- the welder is for constructing things
- the drill is for mining ore and (in general) destroys stuff,
- (-) the documentation is somewhat lacking, some Youtube tutorials just do not check out
- (-) digging for resources with a very very small drill ain’t that much fun X-D
- this official (!) wiki page, how to handle “blueprints”:
- (-) there should be a default mining robot
- the neutral:
- it is really for the hard core space and engineering nerd
wow! there is a “capture the flag” mod
They quickly claimed the prize left behind at the International Space Station nearly a decade ago by the last crew to launch from the U.S.
“Congratulations, SpaceX, you got the flag,” NASA astronaut Doug Hurley said a day after arriving at the space station.
maybe also interesting: Commodore 64 talks to ISS via radio
have fun!
space nerds!
blog of Keen Software (Made in Czech Republic) CEO https://blog.marekrosa.org/
similar games:
Made in Germany by https://boxelware.de/ and via Kickstarter
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