- mate desktop is leightweight
- easy to use (“start” menu is top left and hopefully will FOREVER stay there)
- consistent simplified design
hostnamectl; # tested on
Static hostname: debian12
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)
Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-18-amd64
Architecture: x86-64
su - root
apt update
# just install the core bare minimum desktop
apt install mate-desktop-environment lightdm
# including office tools + firefox
apt install mate-desktop-environment-extras
- only together we can create a truly free world
- plz support dwaves to keep it up & running!
- (yes the info on the internet is (mostly) free but beer is still not free (still have to work on that))
- really really hate advertisement
- contribute: whenever a solution was found, blog about it for others to find!
- talk about, recommend & link to this blog and articles
- thanks to all who contribute!