want to see what’s going on in the Open Source part of Android OS?

e-OS is available for many many (but not all) devices

here is a detailed review of the ROM in terms of privacy.


Nexus 6P?

Yes! it still got that 3.5mm Audio Jack 🙂 so full version mp3 player 🙂

also: it’s WLAN-WIFI reception is EXCELLENT (in comparison to Samsung S21 Ultra X-D (very shitty WIFI-WLAN reception))

screenshot default android stock rom:

be aware!

problem: security patch level october 5 2021 https://www.wired.com/story/google-100-android-security-issues-critical-update/ ← will not fix a lot of security problemz 🙁

finally: no complaints more about “but there is no GooglePlayStore”

yes there is! It’s called “Aurora” Store and has a lot of Apps also games 😀 (for those kids that need it)

because the “original” GooglePlay Store comes (unfortunately) comes with privacy problem.

this is possible thanks to MicroG which e-OS has pre-installed 😀

  • but it has also to be said that loads of apps are missing from the original Google Play store
  • tux cart works excellent 😀


  1. keep a cool head, flashing a custom rom is nothing for the faint hearted X-D “NO MY DEVICE IS DESTROYED”
    • at least if TWRP is already running, chances are good to get it working again
  2. backup all important data that is still on the phone via known-to-be-good-usb-datacable via mtp (really like it, makes phone behave like usb stick :D)
  3. get a good usb stick, format it ext4
  4. get an USB A (USB Stick) to USB C (phone) adapter
  5. charge phone up to 100%
  6. insert sim card into nexus 6p
  7. reboot it
  8. does calling work?
  9. does sms work?
    • if it’s a new phone or new sim card should receive a setup-sms from provider that setups APN automatically)
  10. does mobile internet (LTE) work?
    (it might be required to manually put in APN -> please ask phone company about APN details)
  11. on Stock ROM Android 8.0 this is done as following:
    • confirm inet is working with default vendor stock rom

hostnamectl; # tested on
Operating System: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)  
          Kernel: Linux 6.1.0-16-amd64
su - root
apt update
apt install adb fastboot

# it is not required but also possible to download the LATEST version of adb
wget https://dl.google.com/android/repository/platform-tools-latest-linux.zip
unzip platform-tools-latest-linux.zip

./adb --version
Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.41
Version 34.0.5-10900879

# get the right files for nexus 6p

# get latest
# using
twrp-3.7.0_9-0-angler.img (sha256sum: 21e41c0607b150f8dc5e5a4b0975a64d1eb62c4aff34920231d027e0793e8028)
# and
e-0.20-o-20211210151039-dev-angler.zip (sha256sum: a32742ff199112f8516f102a9611b45ba928e341c0d2f66dec1cc2edb4e1f0a4)

# copy both files on the ext4 formatted usb stick
# start the phone with stock-rom
# go into settings of android 8.0 default vendor rom
# find system settings -> software -> build number -> tap on it 7x times to enable developer mode
## in developer mode
### enable usb-debugging
### enable oem-unlock-flashing (there was no such option on nexus 6p android 8.0)

# attach device with known-to-be-good-usb-data-cable of high quality

adb devices
# look at phone's screen, it will show "trust this (bluetooth-mac)" check the box and say "yes"
List of devices attached

# this should reboot the device
adb reboot bootloader

# and show this screen

# try
fastboot oem unlock
# FAILED (remote: 'unknown command') (it is already unlocked)
# it is already unlocked
fastboot flashing unlock
(bootloader) Device already unlocked!

# now the important part, go to folder where twrp-3.7.0_9-0-angler.img is
cd /to/where/this/file/was/downloaded/
fastboot flash recovery twrp-3.7.0_9-0-angler.img
Sending 'recovery' (18416 KB) OKAY [ 0.559s]
Writing 'recovery' OKAY [ 1.183s]
Finished. Total time: 1.792s

# if flashing of twrp went fine
# continue: via volume up / down select “recovery” mode (in red), hit power button to confirm selection
# after a reboot of the phone (WAIT!)

# the user should now be prompted with the "TWRP" Mount Decrypt Data "Enter Password" screen

# enter the pin that the user would normally enter during boot
# "swipe" to "allow modifications"
# now user sees the main twrp screen

# step1:) a new bootloader installed successfull! :D
# the user can do a little celebration dance right there! :D

# now step2) flashing the rom.zip
# now how to get the rom.zip on the device?

# here is where the official documentation fails
# and the usb stick to phone adapter is key :D
# sideload does not work :(
# also MTP upload seems to have a problem :(
adb sideload e-0.20-o-20211210151039-dev-angler.zip
adb: sideload connection failed: no devices/emulators found
adb: trying pre-KitKat sideload method...
adb: pre-KitKat sideload connection failed: no devices/emulators found

# connect the USB Stick to the USB A Port of the adapter
# connect the USB C Port of the Adapter to the Phone

# then in twrp go to mount menu and check all boxes

# this is important to avoid this error
# this means not all partitions were mounted before flash

# continue: format partitions
  • return to TWRP return to main menu, then tap Wipe
  • Now tap Format Data and continue with the formatting process.Here a new screen may show where you will have to type Yes and confirm the action by clicking a button.
    Caution: Format Data will remove encryption as well as delete all files stored on the internal storage. Remember to take a backup first. Check Requirements section above.
  • Return to the previous menu and tap Advanced Wipe.
  • Select the Cache and System and DalvikCache partitions to be wiped and then Swipe to Wipe

go back to TWRP main menu:

now the actual rom flashing 😀

in the TWRP main screen: tap on “Install

select storage device “USB-OGT” (the ext4 formatted USB stick)

the user should see the zip file on the stick:


click on it

now please sit still, don’t jump around, put the phone on a table, so nothing can disrupt the flash process

then swipe to flash it on the device 😀

flashed it 3x times for good luck

flashed it 3x times for good luck


hit “Reboot System!” (bottom right button)

here is the complete song: https://soundcloud.com/xenox-afl/bitjam-podcast-120-one-step-forward-back

that the user now needs to dance to (COMPLETE SONG!) to celerbate the success! 😀

have phun with newly privacy enhanced phone 😀

same as last time: fix No Sim Card Detected:

  • This has been happening on many custom ROMs.
  • An easy fix is to go to security settings and change screen lock to swipe or none, then reboot.
  • That will remove the device protection that caused the no sim problem.
  • After the reboot, the problem is fixed and won’t happen anymore.
  • Then go back into security settings and change it back to whatever screen lock option you want.


alternative custom roms – proper camera vs android phone – CopperheadOS vs. GrapheneOS – hardened Android secure per default – Made in Canada

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