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MySQL MariaDB cheat sheet
14 Jul 2022

login to mysql: su – root; list all available databases: # login & send command to mysql & logout mysql -u root -e ‘show databases’ -s –skip-column-names # or login mysql -u root -p; # enter command mysql> show databases; […]

Rust vs Go – Open Source is about enabling users – Rust lang will complement C around the GNU Linux Kernel (for better safety) “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to make Open Source more secure
16 May 2022

Open Source is about enabling users “Amazon, Microsoft, Google” and the White House, want to help make Open Source more secure… src of src: “White House OSS Mobilization Plan” 2022: 2020: “The OpenSSF is a cross-industry collaboration […]

SAS connected NVMes aka Kingston’s datacenter capable (24-7) NVMe SSDs (DC 1500m Enterprise-class U.2 PCIe NVMe Gen 3.0 x4 SSD) only work with mainboard that have U.2 interface – U.2 on Desktop is called mini-SAS or SFF-8643 on Servers
10 Mar 2022

IDE, SCSI, SATA, SAS now U.2 M.2… these drives are called: “U.2 PCIe NVMe” no kidding, search for em on ebay. that reminds of… “the usb cable chaos” has arrived with “Slim SAS” for another round of mass cable connector confusion […]

Why is it GNU Linux and not just Linux? – Linus talking about GPL v3 vs GPL v2 (the better one) – the social (GPL) contract is “i give you sourcecode, give me back your changes” – non-free binary “blobs”
31 Jan 2022

“FOSS means that effort is shared across organizations and lowers maintenance costs significantly” (src: comment by JohnFOSS on getting the naming right: Why is it GNU Linux and not just Linux? because it would given the developers who wrote […]

2021-11 Russian IT Security Updates – why it is impossible to turn off the Internet in Russia – what is the “Mitnick attack”? – are the odds against the defenders? Browser Sidechannel Attacks “We confirm that none of these approaches completely defend against our attacks” – 2010: AI amok: how AIs almost crashed wallstreet and why it can have real world consequences (1929)
04 Nov 2021

warning: no guarantee of completeness! contains ads! (but owner of blog get’s nothing, maybe source of source does) Are the odds against the (itsec) defenders? It certainly feels that way, because no human can ever find all bugs, so Fuzzing […]

Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) online community web application security
07 Aug 2021

the wiki: the top 10: the ebook: the text: the conferences: the costs: 2-part Training: $505 Member 2-part Training: $455 * For member discount code contact events ÄT owasp DOOOT com it’s […]

How to step debug debugging rust in vim 8.1
24 Jul 2021

“Basically, rust-gdb is a wrapper that loads external Python pretty-printing scripts into GDB. This is useful (and somewhat necessary) when debugging more complex Rust programs because it significantly improves the display of Rust data types.” (src) what the developer has […]