Dragon Docks ISS – SpaceX Zero G Indicator

  https://www.nasaspaceflight.com/2021/04/soyuz-ms18-launch-docking/ how can everyone help build the city on Mars? Musk: talk about it! 🙂 write about it! spread the news! set the focus of the discussion! short story: inside the Dragon X Space Capsule after docking – the […]

Hardware Implants – Thunderbolt and OMG USB Cable of Evil

… this is why no usb stick and no cable can be trusted… Thunderbolt / PCI-Express is having similar issues “Abstract—Direct Memory Access (DMA) attacks have beenknown for many years: DMA-enabled I/O peripherals have com-plete access to the state of […]

HTTP Status Codes

1×× Informational 100 Continue 101 Switching Protocols 102 Processing 2×× Success 200 OK 201 Created 202 Accepted 203 Non-authoritative Information 204 No Content 205 Reset Content 206 Partial Content 207 Multi-Status 208 Already Reported 226 IM Used 3×× Redirection 300 […]

how to htaccess limit wordpress searches

lately this blog gets bombarded with queries like these: which decoded are Korean SPAM? which translates as: iptables / firewalld seem not to work and have to really really figure out why. until then this is a little workaround, it […]

New View on our Milkyway Galaxy by Gaia Probe

How many arms does our Galaxy have? 2x major 2x minor = 4 Gaia’s all-sky view of our Milky Way Galaxy and neighbouring galaxies, based on measurements of nearly 1.7 billion stars. The map shows the total brightness and colour […]

wireshark filter your own traffic – filter traffic from mac

sometimes you just want to listen to incoming traffic… not the noise that your machine generates: # checkout what mac your NIC has ip addr show; ifconfig -a; # filter it in wireshark not eth.addr==28:d2:XX:XX:XX:XX it’s not just a tool…. […]

No more Music on Youtube! – Is article 13 destroying YouTube? – Artikel13 internet freedom sacrificed – result of influence of big establishment media Lobby in the EU – Wird Artikel 13 das internet zerstören? -Einfluss der Lobby großer Medienhäuser in EU deutlich spürbar

Update: Article13 for North Stream 2 pipeline between Germany and Russia Mrs Reda (one of the last honest politicians out there, used to be in Pirate Party but now even advises to vote against it, because also in the Pirate […]

MySQL search replace update where sql query

yes, it is NOT the most convenient, query you could imagine. UPDATE `table_name` SET `column_name` = REPLACE(`column_name`, ‘replace_this’, ‘with_this’) WHERE `column_name` LIKE ‘%with_this%’ COLLATE utf8mb4_bin; it is what phpmyadmin generates when you go here:

opening png images on Android phones is not safe anymore

Outlook hacked by receiving an email – fax machine – hacked by receiving a fax – Android SmartPhones hacked by vieweing a picture.png (it’s a bug in the Framework/SDK) – “great” whats next?Will SmartPhones and “THE INTERNET” be doomed “unsafe” […]

Pine64 – Pine Phone Pine Laptop Notebook Free Hardware

update: 2022: ah oh: Pine community in Pain? https://blog.brixit.nl/why-i-left-pine64/ “In February 2021, PINE64 announced the end of the community editions. At this moment, PINE64’s focus shifted from supporting a diverse ecosystem of distributions and software projects around the PinePhone to […]

self hosted wordpress setup script

WARNING! BACKUP YOUR MACHINE! UNTESTED! before running this script change to your new web root: /home/UserName/web/domain.com/public_html then run it like /scripts/install_wordpress.sh it tries to: download and unpack the latest wordpress into the current directory disable xmlrpc.php disable wp-cron.php requirements: a […]