Outlook hacked by receiving an email – fax machine – hacked by receiving a fax – Android SmartPhones hacked by vieweing a picture.png (it’s a bug in the Framework/SDK) – “great” whats next?Will SmartPhones and “THE INTERNET” be doomed “unsafe” to use at all.

Maybe we should do it like Putin and stop using mobile phones all together.



Google Android Media Framework Component Multiple Security Vulnerabilities

Bugtraq ID: 107271
Class: Unknown
CVE: CVE-2019-1989
Remote: Yes
Local: No
Published: Mar 04 2019 12:00AM
Updated: Mar 04 2019 12:00AM
Credit: The vendor has reported these issues.
Vulnerable: Google Android 7.1.1
Google Android 9.0
Google Android 8.1
Google Android 8.0
Google Android 7.1.2
Google Android 7.0


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