hostnamectl; # tested on Static hostname: ubuntuxts Virtualization: kvm Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS Kernel: Linux 5.15.0-107-generic Architecture: x86-64 su - root apt install build-essential module-assistant gcc make perl dkms linux-headers-$(uname -r) apt -y install automake; # 1.13.4 or later apt -y install autoconf; # 2.69 or later apt -y install libtool-bin; # 2.4.2 or later apt -y install libfuse-dev; # 2.6.0 or later apt -y install uuid-dev; # 1.36 or later apt -y install libxml2-dev; # 2.6.16 or later, not: libxmlb2 libxml2 apt -y install snmpd snmp libsnmp-dev; # net-snmp 5.3 or later apt -y install libicu-dev; # icu4c 4.8 or later apt -y install pkg-config; git clone; cd ltfs; ./; ./configure; make; make install; sudo ldconfig; ltfs --version; LTFS version (Prelim). LTFS Format Specification version 2.4.0 # might be a good idea to reboot afterwards
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