“Von der Leyen under pressure: The head of the EU Commission refuses to release text messages about the expensive vaccine deal with Pfizer. She is accused of lack of transparency.” (src) (here is the full New York Times article on this subject)
digitalcourage.de: 10.03.2023 Newsletter
Dear Mr X
“We are from the EU Commission, they want to protect children too, don’t they? Then please give us your cell phone. Thank you, we are now checking your device for suspicious content …”
The smartphone disappears into a strange apparatus, LEDs light up.
While a glowing bar moves between green, yellow and red, showing the analysis in progress, the apparatus speaks.
“Oh, is that a match? Or is it just a vacation photo? Anyway, I’ve routed your chat out for now.”
“To an EU center, they will then take a closer look at your messages and photos.”
“Thank you for your cooperation.”
In the meantime, the bar remains in the yellow area.
If chat control is implemented as planned, we will soon all be considered suspicious:
the EU Commission wants to screen our private chats (which includes Signal or WhatsApp conversations but (probably) also Telegram and Signal and SMS).
In fact, of course, this would happen via software and fully automatically.
To make visible how encroaching such an intervention feels, we recreated a scanner as an “analog prototype” made of Plexiglas, metal and LEDs and confronted members of parliament with it in front of the Bundestag.
And you?
Would you have voluntarily given us your cell phone to have your messages scanned for “suspicious” messages and photos?
We want to prevent this dystopian surveillance law. But to do so, we need your support. Together we can stop chat control!
With best regards
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