- perfect start
- perfect skydiver-flight
- perfect landing
- small fire
- no “unscheduled rapid disassembly” aka “BocaChicaBoomBoom” 15h later… still standing!!! congratulationzzzz!
so it is official: the Starship has landed…. intact in one piece. CONGRATULATIONZZZZ!🥳🥳🥳
Next stop: Low Earth Orbit 🙂
in order to honor this milestone (there are still plenty of challenges ahead)
put up a 4x angle video compilation:
strange enough… could not find any Video of the flip, except this one (in pretty bad quality)
official SpaceX footage:
LabPadre’s recording WITH THOSE ROARING SOUNDs 🙂
… 15hours later… despite a small fire and two small explosions (in the LabPadre with good sound hearable), SN15 is still there standing tall (no BocaChicaBoomBoom X-D)
combination of EvryDay’s Astronaut (flip) and LabPadre (landing) cams:
24-7 live stream:
EveryDay astronaut:
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