The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: “be careful what you reveal to your friend” (the internet) “where it has gone from defending America to controlling it” data google tries to collect from users: (it is probably only the tip of […]
this age of mass surveillance… … who is observing “the observers”? Orwell left one final warning: 1984: “don’t let it happen” (alternative version) this is a “backup of the backup” that has taken from (offline since 2019) src: […]
this age of mass surveillance… … who is observing “the observers”? guess with it-security and internet-security (internet = roads, cars = computers that users use every day) it is like with real-life-security – there is no 100% security. all users […]
Tor is easier to use than ever superb usability! Tor is now super easy to use! (thanks all involved!) just get the tor bundle – it is tor bundled with firefox Tor visualized: most users are legit: but criminals […]
home of git’s git repo: # to clone git’s git repo git clone # as can be seen there, it is STILL under active development written in primarily in C, with GUI and programming scripts written in Shell […]
this really raises the question: the mobile (complete computer) phone (number) as key to everything? is it a good idea to rely on smart phones (that are essentially a very small laptop and a cellular modem) and phone numbers to […] the 4 free software freedom rules: freedom 0: The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. (computers start counting with 0, that’s why it is freedom 0) freedom 1: The freedom to study how […]
now WITH SPICY COMMENTS X-D SecurityLab, [22.12.19 12:40] A Twitter user using the alias 08Tc3wBB created tfp0-an exploit that allows you to jailbreak the latest iPhone models with IOS 13.3. The functionality of the exploit has already been confirmed by […]
i really like virtualbox and i think it has great potential, what i do not like SOOO much is the CIA’s involvement with Oracle. “Larry Ellison Is A Billionaire Today Thanks To The CIA” (src) VirtualBox is mostly GPL 2.0 […]
short version: 2021: bin wieder bei SimDiscount X-D + D1 Masten nicht überbucht/gute Netzqualität bei Nutzung von LTE (muss Handy können, kostet 5€ extra d.h. für 25€ monatlich (Stand: 2020-01) kann man dann tatsächlich sein Handy auch nutzen (falls dieses […]
update: 2021-01 “the best (most privacy & security & usability) Smart Phone solution” is yet to be found (PinePhone (yet untested) comes close) and it would be like: runs standard unmodified GNU Linux kernel 100% open source drivers comes with […]
about MAC address(es) not every switch has an IP assigned (if it has no web management interface, it does not need to) but it will have a MAC address. MAC address are per vendor and per device unique identifiers that […]
especially in times of EU-GDPR–DSGVO but also for the user’s privacy effectively shredding data is important. if the admin-user wants to wipe-shred-secure-delete entire harddisks look at this article. GNU Linux Debian 10 can do that 🙂 update: 2024: want to […]
Warum VoIP? Viele Anbieter von LTE z.B. bieten gar keine Festnetz-Telefonie an, sondern nur Internet. (das zum Teil (nicht günstiger) aber schneller (und schnurloser via Handy-Netz) als die Telekom (4G/LTE/UMTS)). D.h. man braucht dann noch einen weiteren Anbieter der die […]
don’t be evil “Google controls about 62% of mobile browsers, 69% of desktop browsers, and the operating systems on 71% of mobile devices in the world. 92% of internet searches go through Google and 73% of American adults use YouTube. […]
My Guide to free as possible do it yourself laptop, tested an worked on two x60s: 1. get a Lenovo x60s 2. a fresh battery (they still produce replacement batteries) 3. get Atheros ar5b95 Wireless WiFi g42 cq42 […]
EDIMAX EW-7612UAn V2 THE ONLY (?) GNU Linux WIFI WLAN Adapter that works OUT OF THE BOX on all GNU Linux systems (ODROID RASPBERRY AND Desktop GNU Linux) different sizes… different standards… every year? why? it is hard to find […]
google’s security lab “project zero“ has made itself a name. (you can subscribe to their rss feed with thunderbird.) Posted by Ben Hawkes, Project Zero (team lead) (2019-05-15) Project Zero’s team mission is to “make zero-day hard”, i.e. to make […]
IPv6: Introduction it’s the year 2019, roughly 14% of the web is running ipv6. you can watch real time statistics here: (i have no clue how accurate the data is, how they are generated) … but it seems there […]
“The cost to companies from malware and “malicious insider”-related cyberattacks jumped +12 percent in 2018 and accounted for one-third of all cyberattack costs, according to new research published today by Accenture and the Ponemon Institute.” src: logical consequence: stop […]
The “NEW” SmartPhone: now with extra little tracking X-D ( i am not saying no tracking at all… because 3x cell phone towers can track you up to a precision of 10-100m) Mrs Merkel used the 6210 Nokia. But – […]
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism: “be careful what you reveal to your friend” (the internet) Anonymous on Facebook & Google & BigData: This will Change How You See Everything Age of Surveillance Capitalism Anonymous on Facebook & Google & […]
2017 erster Testlauf, jetzt werden alle Ärzte gezwungen den direkten Zugriff der Krankenkassen auf mehr Daten zu ermöglichen. VersichertenStammDatenManagement erst ab 2019 Pflicht eine weitere Auflage des Gesetzgebers für Ärzte – bis dann und dann das und das umsetzen – […]
“India is considering a sweeping law that would give authorities access to some data from the hugely popular WhatsApp messaging service within its borders, and the U.S. has signaled it has not given up on its efforts to get inside […]
really don’t understand how a SoC with 3GB of RAM (!) and a 8x Core ARM can be put to the bin (as Debian GNU Linux runs on devices with as little as 1GB RAM and 2x Cores) because there […]
Short stoy: AltGr (HostKey) + C will quit “seamless (no menues) mode” really like the cross-os capabilties of virtualbox (possible to move vms between GNU Linux and Windows servers) and think it has great potential, what is not so great […]
“In the world of Information Technology, change is constant, compliance is inevitable, adaptability is required” i would add: “resistance is futile” “In the world of Information Technology, change is constant, compliance is inevitable, adaptability is required; therefore, staying one-step ahead […]
Endlich: Statt dem Rest der Welt auf den Sack zu gehen, greifen sich jetzt Rechtsanwälte gegenseitig an! SO IST ES RECHT! WEITER SO! X-D Video ist vom Nov 12, 2018: Links:
update: 2020-05: it is a wild speculation but: What if… guess one is not the only one thinking that way “Governments at one time laughed at the cryptocurrency or simply feared it. They rejected the technology as useless or suitable […]
IPv6 is great for everything that is (more or less) DIRECTLY connected to the internet (needs a public accessible address): firewalls / routers modems servers (using firewalls / routers and modems to connect) but it seems completely “overkill” and even […]